Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Revising this paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Revising this paper - Essay Example People rely more on the consequences being in their favor, even when the decision or the incentive that spurs the decision is morally wrong; in essence, it is somewhat like the ends justify the means. However, it will be wrong for us to assume that just because their thought processes and their incentives are different from our own, they are wrong. People are different from one another, with different morals and different points of views, so much so that their happiness also lies in different things; as in they pursue different forms of happiness, what is happiness to one may not be so to the other. Thus the question arises: Can we judge people based on their incentives? In the example I liked the most, Levitt and Dubner analyze schoolteachers and sumo wrestlers. In the case of schoolteachers the incentive to cheat derives from possible pay raises, or at least job security, if their students score well on standardized tests. Levitt uses 700,000 sets of test answers from Chicago public school students. With the aid of his computer, Levitt searches for patterns in the answers to identify teachers who were changing their students answers, thus cheating to obtain their goal. He even includes a few sample answer sheets and invites the reader to detect the cheating. At the same time, the book describes Levitts clever strategy for examining the win-loss records of sumo wrestlers; an examination that points to especially important matches being â€Å"thrown†, with the â€Å"winners†later reciprocating in less important matches, thus ensuring that top wrestlers maintain their status. Levitt says there are three types of incentives: economic, social and moral. We juggle with all types of them, and it is clear that incentives are used widely and related closely to people’s daily life. The story of an Israeli daycare center that decided to fine parents who picked up their children late is pertinent in this regard. This action of theirs resulted in more
Business for fashion study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business for fashion study - Essay Example Among all these, surveys and sampling are the major research methods that are used to obtain valid results. Through the use of primary research unlike secondary research method, the targeted issues are well addressed. The company asking requesting for the research usually has complete control on the research and the process as far as its scope and objectives are concerned. The company bestowed with the mandate to research can concentrate on a specific area of interest rather than a general area. Again through primary data, interpretation of the data collected is always easy. This is because the collected data can be interpreted and examined as per the researcher’s needs rather than depending on interpretations made through data collected using secondary method. Also through primary research, recency of data is always put into consideration. This is because secondary data is not usually so recent and again may not be so specific to the situation or place the researcher is targeting. The researcher can use the information for knowing how trends behave or find some relation with the current event under consideration. This makes primary data a more accurate method of use. Primary research is always involved with high costs. It is a very costly proposition. This is because the researcher has always to be involved throughout and also design everything. This is a costly endeavor. Again one can get inaccurate feedbacks when he undertakes primary research. There are very high chances that the respondents will give inaccurate responses or biased information that may lead to inaccurate data to the researcher. Also research using the primary method is a time consuming activity. This is because if the exhaustive nature of the activity. The time required by the researcher in order to collect accurate data is long as compared to secondary data. Again through primary research there is a large use of resources that
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Welcome Table Essay Example for Free
The Welcome Table Essay Understanding â€Å"The Welcome Table†One of the main focus points of all literary works is the theme of the story that is being read. To identify a story s theme you must look beyond what is happening in the story but look at what the story is really about. In this short paper I will be covering the theme of â€Å"The Welcome Table†and examples of certain elements of the story. Theme of â€Å"The Welcome Table†When reading writings of any kind you must try and understand what the story is really about instead of looking too much into what the story is being wrote about. For lots of pieces of literature that was written in the era before the 1950’s when writers had an underlying meaning for their writings that weren’t noticed unless read closely. In the short story â€Å"The Welcome Table†written by Alice Walker, you see the plot immediately start when an older black lady is at the front steps of a white community’s church. The story is obviously written in a time when black people where thought to be unequal to white people. Considering that the author of this short story was born in 1944 and growing up in a time when racism against black people was at the highest point. Throughout the entire story the theme is racism. Many of the people in the story saw the old lady as an invasion or maid, to the young usher telling the lady that this wasn’t her church. Then after the ladies in the church practically made the men throw this harmless old black lady out of a church, you could tell the theme had to be about race. The tone throughout the entire story that these people had against this old black lady, was not necessarily hatred but of disgust. The women made their husbands grab this old lady and take her outside into the cold. I wasn’t like this one old black lady was there to hurt anyone of disrespect the white people in any way but to come to church. As we look father into the story after the old lady is outside she sets the tone for more of an uplifting tone. As she is standing on the front of the church in the cold singing a sad song, she sees Jesus. As she is walking with him she is overjoyed and sings and uplifting song. Even though these people have disrespected her by kicking her out of a church, her faith is unbroken and she is doing as Jesus tells her to. Even though the story ends with the black families seeing her walking alone down the street, one can only think that she died somewhere and went to heaven to be with Jesus; almost like he was leading her there. There are many symbols in this story that can be referenced to many things. The story seems to be written during the winter since there was reference to it being below freezing outside. Winter is closely related to Death, and for me I let my mind wander to the death of the old lady, even though the story did not say that, that is what I have come to the conclusion. One of the other major symbols I see in this story is when the old lady first saw Jesus. She kept looking to see if he was carrying the lamb, like in the picture that she had. The lamb refers to gentleness, and since they were at a white church, the white referring to life. Even though the white people were so disrespectful to her and put her out in the cold she still kept her faith. See was ecstatic when she saw Jesus coming down the road, and made sure she got his attention so he would not miss her. Winter was there for the old lady and she knew it, so she went to the church to make her peace with Jesus and it just so happened that he was coming for her. Even though the white people were so cruel to her and the theme of this story is racism, the story also says don’t give up on what you believe even if it seems unrealistic. The old lady believes in Jesus, and the white people were not going to affect that no matter how they treated her.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Jeff Wall Photography Philosophy
Jeff Wall Photography Philosophy The artist Jeff Wall has argued that there are two prominent myths about photography, the myth that it tells the truth, and the myth that it doesnt. Discuss Walls statement with reference to the work of any two photographers from the 20th Century. In the following essay I propose to discuss Jeff Walls philosophical statement of photography, the myth that it tells the truth and the myth that it doesnt in which Wall openly recognises the associated ambiguities of photographys systems of representation and perception. The apparent naturalism associated with the photographic medium draws a certain sense of the presence of inherent truths. However, the degree of photographic truth or indeed myth is much dependent upon the intentions of the photographer who instigates and captures the composition. The argument which Wall refers to is not a contemporary difficulty with the medium, as these debates have been circulating ever since photographys beginnings. One must however acknowledge that photographys difficulties with regard the perception of truth or myth have progressively developed as time has transgressed. This notion is in accordance with the greater availability of manipulative photographic technology which has allowed the artist greater control over any proposed outcome. Every image embodies a certain way of seeing which happens to coincides with the consciousness of mankinds individuality. Therefore it is entirely relevant to mention the importance of an awareness of the term semiotics which considers the interpretation of these visual systems which we each profess to. In order to understand the pertinence of Wal ls argument, I plan to explore and discuss the works of Wall himself in conjunction with the works of another American artist, Cindy Sherman. A key universal element of my argument will rest upon the acknowledgement of the incorporation of the multiple peoples who incur the work of photographer as it is these who create and communicate the notion of truth and myth. Whilst no definitive answer may be given regarding the statement which Wall proposes, I do however seek to trace the inner complexities which threaten the authenticity of the photographic movement. Debates concerning the notion of perception, myth and truth have been circulating ever since mankinds inception to the planet. One of the earliest documented records of this debate goes back to the 4th century BC, in which the philosopher Plato presented theories which objectify the then traditional Sophistic views of morality and reality. Plato concluded that both subjects originated from ones own objective ideals of absolute truth, of which only existed in total form in our minds and not in our conscious state of physical awareness. To put simply, Plato writes that an idealised level of truth could never be achieved in absolute terms in our daily lifestyle and that any proposed notion was strongly dependent on our own quality of self interests. From this reading I can comprehend that the notion of reality, truth and perception are all in fact manufactured perceptions based around our own terms of reference. I do view this reading as significant when related to the works of Wall and Sherman who coincidently share a communal categorisation of photographic theme, yet whose subjective visual understanding of a 20th century American society contrast greatly. Artistic intentions are developed or withdrawn in accordance with our own unique mental facets. Related to this matter, concepts of knowledge are also fiercely depend ent upon societal context and worldly experiences. Knowledge is an ever developing independent discipline as are the illusive notions of truth and myth. Theoretical research does not lead to such certainties. Usually its results are quite intangible. It leads to new ideas but ideas are uncertain and debatable. It leads to new points of view but this is not enough if we want hard and fast results. It is only if we are very lucky that far down the road theoretical research leads to what we have been looking for all along: understanding. (Greenstein, 1983, Pg.108) In order to fully comprehend the truths and mythologies of photography, it is necessary to acknowledge that each person including the viewer prescribes to a certain creative vision and that these views we profess to may not be in keeping with the genuine intentions of artist. Modernist understandings of the visual field fall under the study of semiotics which recognises that art functions as another communicative language yet does not present its meanings quiet as literally as with journalism. In the year 1978, Wall created a piece of breakthrough photography entitled The Destroyed Room which documents the disturbing repercussions following an unspeakable act of domestic violence. Jeff Wall, The Destroyed Room, 1978, Transparency in light box, 1590 x 2340 mm, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. The destroyed room is clearly that owning to a woman judging by its disassembled contents; strewn feminine clothes and elegant heels. Another prominent indicator of a feminine presence within the composition is the inclusion of a rather graceful and strangely intact porcelain dancer figurine upon a shaken wooden cabinet. A number of intentionally placed diagonal indicators lead our eye to this perverse female substitute which further indicates the notion that she is a universal symbol for the masked, unspoken and disturbing realities evident within the 20th century American home. But is this an accurate representation of 20th century society? Wall created the piece by recreating the theoretical elements of Delacroixs infamous work, Death of Sardanapalus which in effect offers a contemporary model of a historic reference. Eugà ¨ne Delacroix, Death of Sardanapalus, 1827, Oil on canvas. 392 x 496 cm, Musà ©e du Louvre, Paris. While strong feelings of misery, deep unhappiness and pain prevail in both these meticulously composed works it would be misleading to conclude that both works tell of the same truths. Delacroixs painted piece incorporates figurative subject matter in romanticised states of physical torment which contrast greatly to that of Walls graceful, serene figurine seeming to mask the emotional elements of violence by contrast. Wall appears to be making a mockery of Delacroixs curvilinear models through the inclusion of a cheap artificial piece confirming that Wall does not hold any desire to remit the same intentions of Delacroixs work alluding to the mythical existence of an idealised human form, implying a certain utopian view. It is also interesting to note that Walls work places a clear responsibility on the viewer to focus specifically on just one single victim of destruction as apposed to dividing our attention between a number of peoples as in the case of Delacroix. The absence of a real physical presence in Walls work is unsettling for the viewer warranting us to question the welfare of those involved moreover then Delacroixs painting. My feelings of empathy and concern are as a direct consequence of the medium of photography which further evokes the sense that this depiction of intimate violation could in fact be real to life due to the fact that many works of factual photo journalism are presented in a manner similar. I also believe that such a scene does not constitute the creation of a timely idealised masterpiece. This image is revealing of one persons view of a society but it would be a myth to suggest that it an agreeable truth for all else involved especially those who experience domestic abus e. As a viewer, I am aware that I am placing my objective thoughts on the work which may contrast with that of the practitioner and by this means I could unknowingly be creating a work of myth or indeed truth. Similarly I relate this analysis to Wall interpretation of Delacroixs work in that did Wall really take initial inspiration from the work of Delacroix or did Wall get caught up in the moment of physical chaotic creation which later seemingly related in theme to that of Delacroix? We may never know the answer but I take some comfort in my as Walls work seems an entirely abstract muted edition of the work of by contrast to his previous reworking of the work of Hokusai in A Sudden Gust of Wind (after Hokusai), In 1982, Wall created another thought provoking exposure entitled Mimic which again similar to that previously discussed, seeks to condense the negative misgivings of a contemporary culture within a single frame. Jeff Wall Mimic 1982, Transparency in light box, 1980 x 2286 mm, Ydessa Hendeles Art Foundation, Toronto. The image presented reconstructs an offensive racial gesturing witnessed by Wall between two men; a well turned out Chinese man and a roughly clad Caucasian man. Mimic presents an interesting representation of the bodily gestures which typically stereotype these nations. In the case of the Chinese man, his unobtrusive, self servient gesture presents the typical conservative gesture that I connote most to being of Eastern cultural origins. In contrast to this, the Caucasian mans middle fingered gesture presents him as being from an inflammatory type society with liberal outspoken values. Do these gestures pertain to be as accurate representations of the real and whole conditions of the cultures we reside within? No they are not truthful in this regard yet they are truthful in that they do provide a truthful momentary pictorial of an offensive gesture. I fear as a woman that I cannot abide by the social condition Wall has involved here as he positions his camera maintaining an overtly masculine presence with lessened thought given for the role of women within society. It appears as though the lady portrayed is being dragged along or perhaps slowing back deliberately denoting herself as an unwilling participant in this racial transaction as she also stares in a voyeuristic manner away from the confrontation. I would even go as far as commenting that Wall appears to connote that women share as much of an unrecognized role in 20th century American society as any other foreign emigrant would and that the Caucasian man rules over all regardless of social rank or occupation. The context in which a photograph is captured, presented thus examined constitutes a variety of iconic indexical signs. The resemblance to Mimic to that of street photography, cinematographic photography and even photo journalist photography through its successful combination of conceptual performance art qualities and also colloquial elements means that its authentic intentions are difficult to read. The museum reference given pushes us to regard the piece as an aesthetic high art object implying a enriched sense of credibility which forces us to consider its compositional qualities as well as formal aesthetic qualities in a more conscious manner which might not necessarily be the case regarding its possible inclusion in a mass consumed newspaper. Museum curators dictate the manner in which we experience interpret photography and one would most likely consider a different set of indexical signs if museum artworks were placed outside of its intended location. The placement of art may hinder its idea, yet it is the placement of art which determines the power of an artistic idea. The same argument is relevant regarding the notion of time yet it is again the power of the artists intention which will conquer all inhibitors. The meaning of a photographic image is built up by an interaction of such schemas or codes, which vary greatly in their degree of schematization. The image is therefore to be seen as a composite of signs, more to be compared with a complex sentence than a single word. Its meanings are multiple, concrete, and, most important, constructed. (Tagg, John, The Burden of Representation. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1988) The work of Cindy Sherman emphasises aspects of concurrent femininity which aspires to philosophise the changing role of the female identity in response to cultural expectations. Sherman herself manages to direct, model and capture her photographic intentions in much the same self autonomous process she seeks to explore through her works. Sherman brilliantly captures the metaphysicality of the female figure through her incorporation of diverse facial expressions, considered clothing choices and through the application of heavy make ups which in effect offer few clues to Shermans inner identity which she desires to be excluded from her works. Yet if she so heavily desires to be excluded from her works why does she use herself within her work why did she originally title her early works self portraits? I place ambiguity over Shermans desire to remain anonymous within her work I firmly believe her intentions to be a work of myth. Untitled Film Still (#96) depicts an outstretched Sherman lying rather suggestively across a domestic floor, exposing the myths which define a woman s expectations of sexual fantasy. The image promotes a certain sexual objectivity of the female body specifically through the considered placement of hand and tissue hand near her female organs. Yet I can connote a contradictory sense of imperfection, insecurity and hidden vulnerabilities through her blushed facial expression. Photographs cannot create a moral position, but they can reinforce one-and can help build a nascent one. (Sontag, 2001, Pg.9) Cindy Sherman Untitled Film Still (#96), 1981, Photograph, 60.8 x 121.8 cm, Museum of Modern Art, New York. Shermans choice of a birds eye view camera angle does not allow us to engage with the camouflaged societal location as the figure is zoomed in upon cropped forcing us to engage solely with the figure. The image is part of a series entitled centrefolds which were deliberately labelled in accordance with Shermans choice of publication layout which involves a two page spread in the middle of a magazine which sees Sherman as a sort of fetish for male readers. While the image has been labelled Untitled Film Still, it does not convey an obvious sense of the films actualities as the cropped field of view by the photographer has created an artificial sense of place in which we have no knowledge or clues of the films preceding proceeding moments. In a sense the image goes against the commonalities of film making as its lack of information forces us to narrate our own variation of the films intentions. Sherman as apposed to Wall chooses not to focus on any specific moment but rather the amal gamation of a number of common episodes which she has encountered through the media which in effect creates a work which may remain true to Sherman herself but seems false overtly clichà © for the viewer. It would be a grave mistake to label these images as obsolete due to their supposed level of artificiality as they do communicate a level of truth and more importantly a message which causes us to question learn from our own lives misgivings. None of the images I have discussed are inherently better than the next because of its determined or undetermined levels of truth myth. One could almost say that Wall works were more morally truthful as he seeks to reissue a lived moment yet the actors he positions could not possibly be feeling the raw emotions that the initial experience entailed. And the same is true of Shermans work in that she is just re-enacting another persons portrait. The photographers way of seeing is reflected in his choice of subject. Every image embodies a way of seeing; our perception or appreciation of an image depends upon our own way of seeing. (Berger, 1973, Pg.10)
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Geography’s Impact on Culture and Society Essay -- Geography
Geography’s Impact on Culture and Society When studying ancient civilizations and the beginning societies in the world, the geography has shaped its story significantly. Depending on the location of the civilization society, whether or not water was nearby was crucial for its survival. With trade networks, metals, foods, and languages were spread. Weapons were able to be formed from these metals which led to a stronger military. Mountain ranges formed the boundaries of civilizations. Geography greatly impacted Asia, Africa and Europe. Asia Asia is â€Å"the world's largest and most populous continent, located primarily in the eastern and northern hemispheres†. Its land mass covers almost 9% of the Earth's surface area, 30% of its land area and it holds nearly 60% of the world's current human population . Most of central Asia is covered by cold steppes. describes a steppe as â€Å"an extensive plain, especially one without trees†, consisting mainly of grasslands and considered to be a land that is â€Å"too dry to support a forest, but not dry enough to be a desert†. The coastal border of Asia was inhabited by some of the world's earliest known civilizations that developed around fertile river valleys. These people â€Å"may well have exchanged technologies and ideas such as mathematics and the wheel with one another†1. The central steppe region had long been inhabited by nomads who could reach all areas of Asia from the steppes on horseback. The northernmost part of Asia, which includes much of Siberia, was largely inaccessible to these steppe nomads, due to the dense forests, climate and tundra. These areas remained very sparsely populated due to the geography of the land that made living conditions difficult.1 The center a... ... other surrounding Mediterranean lands, helping conquer new territories and further developing trade routes. â€Æ' Works Cited Traditions and Encounters 26 Traditions and Encounters 33 Traditions and Encounters 88 Traditions and Encounters 89 Traditions and Encounters 102,103 Traditions and Encounters 310 Traditions and Encounters 310 Traditions and Encounters 52 Traditions and Encounters 58 Traditions and Encounters 193
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Effects of Poverty on the People of Yemen Essay -- American Histor
The United States Military Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (HOA) is a geographical region that encompasses the countries of Djibouti, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya, and neighboring Yemen. Each country in the region houses many culturally unique distinctions to include groups, which comprise the HOA area of operation. Specifically one of these culturally unique groups originates out of Yemen. The country of Yemen, according to a 2004 census, has reached almost 20 million people (UNDP, 2010). Over 45% of the population lives on less than $2.00 U.S. a day (UNDP, 2010). The poverty-stricken people in Yemen have shaped a cultural group that in essence contains the majority of the Country’s population. The purpose of this thesis is to illustrate the current Yemen culture shaped by the effects of poverty on the people of Yemen. These effects span a wide array of problematic issues predicated on three major topics. The effects of poverty on the people of Yemen include severe health problems spanning a majority of the region, the decay of the Country’s political infrastructure, and the growing support of terrorist organizations in the region. The dilemmas in Yemen did not solely originate internally. Yemen is host to some 91,587 (as of 2007) refugees from Somalia (CIA, 2011). The wake of events perpetuated by the effects of poverty on the people of Yemen, left unchecked, will continue to erode with significant and lasting negative effects on the entire HOA Area of Responsibility (AOR) to include local, regional, and U.S. interests. Yemen has historically has been plagued with severe health problems spanning a majority of the region. The inhabitants of the region are dependent on the Country’s ... ...on, the decay of the Country’s political infrastructure, and the growing support of terrorist organizations in the region, are all systematic results of the effects of poverty. In conclusion Yemen must combat its health problem with both preemptive and reactive measures. Yemen must find common ground amongst its various political factions and unify politically to develop a truly governing nation. Yemen must also irradiate all terrorist factions in the region in order to prevent future recruitment into terrorist organizations. These measures are necessary to ensure that the effects of poverty on the people of Yemen are mitigated and minimal. This can only be achieved through the continuation of outside financial, medical, and political assistance from its neighboring countries in the region as well as the support of counter-terrorist organizations worldwide. The Effects of Poverty on the People of Yemen Essay -- American Histor The United States Military Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (HOA) is a geographical region that encompasses the countries of Djibouti, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya, and neighboring Yemen. Each country in the region houses many culturally unique distinctions to include groups, which comprise the HOA area of operation. Specifically one of these culturally unique groups originates out of Yemen. The country of Yemen, according to a 2004 census, has reached almost 20 million people (UNDP, 2010). Over 45% of the population lives on less than $2.00 U.S. a day (UNDP, 2010). The poverty-stricken people in Yemen have shaped a cultural group that in essence contains the majority of the Country’s population. The purpose of this thesis is to illustrate the current Yemen culture shaped by the effects of poverty on the people of Yemen. These effects span a wide array of problematic issues predicated on three major topics. The effects of poverty on the people of Yemen include severe health problems spanning a majority of the region, the decay of the Country’s political infrastructure, and the growing support of terrorist organizations in the region. The dilemmas in Yemen did not solely originate internally. Yemen is host to some 91,587 (as of 2007) refugees from Somalia (CIA, 2011). The wake of events perpetuated by the effects of poverty on the people of Yemen, left unchecked, will continue to erode with significant and lasting negative effects on the entire HOA Area of Responsibility (AOR) to include local, regional, and U.S. interests. Yemen has historically has been plagued with severe health problems spanning a majority of the region. The inhabitants of the region are dependent on the Country’s ... ...on, the decay of the Country’s political infrastructure, and the growing support of terrorist organizations in the region, are all systematic results of the effects of poverty. In conclusion Yemen must combat its health problem with both preemptive and reactive measures. Yemen must find common ground amongst its various political factions and unify politically to develop a truly governing nation. Yemen must also irradiate all terrorist factions in the region in order to prevent future recruitment into terrorist organizations. These measures are necessary to ensure that the effects of poverty on the people of Yemen are mitigated and minimal. This can only be achieved through the continuation of outside financial, medical, and political assistance from its neighboring countries in the region as well as the support of counter-terrorist organizations worldwide.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Injustices during the progressive Essay
During the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, there were a lot of injustices in the United States. The Progressive Movement, which began in the late 1800’s attempted to bring about government reforms and correct injustices in America. One example of the problem in the U.S. was over population of the American cities. More and more people began to move cities from rural areas for jobs. As you can see in Document I, the cities were overcrowded and the infrastructure could not hold up with the influx of people moving to urban areas. The people lived in overcrowded housing developments that were dirty and poor. There was also abuse in industries. This was exposed by Upton Sinclair (Document 2). One of his most well known novels was The Jungle, which showed the abuse in the meat packing industry. He uncovered how the people would take extremely spoiled meat and use it as sausage or put it in to a can. They also used all parts of the meat and even rats were found to be in the meat. By writing this book, Sinclair was able to expose the corruption in the industry of meat packing, and Congress passed the Meat Inspection Act. A position change brought about the declining numbers of children between the ages of ten and fifteen who worked. In Document 3, you can see by the chart that the number of children working decreased by 6.8% from 1890 to 1920. Children were often used as cheap labor and were abused greatly. The government was able to reduce the number of working children under sixteen during this period of time because many states passed children labor laws. Around this time, big businesses came to power. As shown in Document 4, there were many abuses in businesses. The people who ran and formed these industries/trusts/businesses, such as Andrew Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Henry Ford. They acted like the big bosses and held control of much of the U.S. industry. In Document 5, Teddy Roosevelt explained how he felt about how these big businesses (oil, steel, copper, etc.) should be regulated if they are only in it for the money and power. Teddy Roosevelt became known as a â€Å"trust-buster†because he enforced the Sherman Antitrust Act. During the late 1800’s the Progressive Party was formed. They wanted to bring about change in the U.S. One of their main goals included the reforming of industries. In Document 6, their platform is partly shown. Under their platform, they wanted to prevent accidents, diseases acquired on the job, and unemployment. They further wanted to have better health and safety centers, and minimum wage. In 1913, the 17th Amendment was added to the Constitution (Document 7). When the Constitution was first written in 1787, the senators were elected by legislators. In order to make the selection of senators more democratic, the 17th amendment was added. It said that senators would be elected by people from each state, not by the legislature. This is why we now have candidates that campaign for seats in the senates to the people. By adding this amendment to the Constitution, it made the U.S. more democratic. Women suffrage also took place during this time. People like Susan B. Anthony (Document 8) and Elizabeth Cady Stanton worked and campaigned for women to be allowed to vote. Susan B. Anthony used the preamble of the Constitution to argue her case. She stated that the Constitution said â€Å"We the people†¦Ã¢â‚¬ not ‘We the men†¦'†She said the Constitution was written for all people, not just men. Her efforts eventually paid off, and the 19th amendment was passed in 1922 allowing women to work. In conclusion there were many injustices in the U.S. from the late 1800’s to the early 1900’s. The Progressive Movement help to bring about more change as did the government. Teddy Roosevelt tried the limit the abuses of big businesses, and women suffrage was granted, and the meat packing industry was exposed. With each time comes problems but with activists some are changed and reformed. During this time period, there were a lot of injustices and issues, many of which were discovered, addressed, and reformed.
Sales and Iventory
Online Sales and Inventory System For Marikina Shoe Exchange An Undergraduate Research Proposal Presented to The Computer Studies Department College of Science De La Salle University – Dasmarinas In Partial Fulfillement of the Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Inah Denise A. Almera John Florence M. Delimos Patrick P. Lozano September 2010 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Background of the Study All things changes as the world progress on time. Man starts to fulfill their work from scratch and as generations have pass, man uses alternative to lessen the aggrevation of work One of these alternatives is technology which is evident in the enormous society. At present time, business establishments wants to seek the use of technology as a tool in incrementing sales and productivity. One of these companies is the Marikina Shoe Exchange. Marikina Shoe Exchange (MSE) is a group of companies selling footwear, apparel, body care, and household products. Most products sold by the company is Philippine made. This company is a family-owned Filipino corporation, owned by the Jardiolin family. MSE engages in direct selling. Natasha, Confetti, Xxtra, Vivacci, Gabrio Franco, and Shoe Studio are its sister companies. MSE’s history shows that it is deeply rooted on it’s sister companies timeline. 1984 marks the opening of the Confetti (named after the events of the EDSA revolution where confetti rains throughout the streets) Greenbelt branch and soon it blossoms around 1987 to 1990 where there is a notable rapid expansion of the said company. One of the company’s peak happens when they open another branch at the SM Megamall during 1989. In 1990, Natasha starts as a retail operation in Robinsons Galleria. Following that year till 1993 engraves the start of the Natasha Department Store outlets in Cinderella stores as well as in Landmark. In April 18, 1994, the group of companies launch its direct-selling marketing plan which is later revised from 1996 to 1997 to a new edge plan which is still used till present. The opening of the first MSE branch which is in Tutuban happens on September 1999. At present, MSE has thirteen branches which includes Tutuban, Dagupan, Alabang, Cubao, Davao, Cebu, Taft Avenue, Bacolod, Isabela, Cagayan de Oro, Starmall Mandaluyong, Pampangga and Imus, which is the location of our study. Although MSE has no mission and vision , it believes that they owe its success most of all to its adherence to its core values, namely customer service, discipline, constant improvement, respect for each other and honesty. MSE is still using its manual system on their transactions that cannot provide the securing and recording of daily transactions, the ability to provide an organized sales reports and the ability to keep track of the inventory, which would be somehow lessen the workload and the ability to keep track of the inventory, which would be somehow lessen the workload of the workers. And because of these problems manual system is very difficult to address. This study aims to dispell these problems by applying modern paradigm and methodologies to solve it and relate these systems synchronously. 2. Statement of the Research Problem MSE being a direct selling company encounters several problems. These problems are: Low Security of Files. There are chances of possibly loosing to data due to absence of citing the access levels in viewing and modifying data. Almost all elements are manually encoded including resultant values from computations. Unable to Monitor Products Thorougly. There are present ncertainties in the system such as assesing the supply if it exceed or is lower number of stocks. Without overseeing the quantity, updating the stocks from the supplier will have a delay which will eventually might run out and could lead to out of stock or phase out. Lackadaisical Report Generation. With the existing system, report generation is manual, resulting in unreliab ility or uncertainties in the reports. Reports needed to other succeeding documentations will have a pending state till the reports are finished eventhough there are chances that is overdue in the required time. 1. 3 Statement of Objectives . 3. 1 General Objectives To develop an Online Sales and Inventory System for Marikina Shoe Exchange. 1. 3. 2 Specific Objectives 1. To analyze and determine the problems and the factorsof the existing system through the use of data flow diagrams. 2. To gather every detail and information required to make the system. 3. To make a system that will catch the the attention and interest of the user. 4. To make meaningful functionalities and features which are user-friendly. 5. To train the users particularly the assigned personnel on how to use the system at ease. 6. To create a database that will store significant datas in online ordering and as well as the inventory. 4. Significance of the Study This study will provide some merits to certain group of individuals. Some who will benefit the study are: Company. By this study, the gap between the customers and the company be shorten, increasing the incoming orders as well as the company’s productivity over time. They can also promote their products everywhere and everytime. Employee. Employees will have lesser work in maintaining their inventory as all orders description and others details are stored in the database. They can easily monitor all incoming orders as well as their remaining stocks and can minimize the cost of receipt generation. Customer. Through this study, the customer will be ensured with convenience in ordering their desired products, as well as being updated to the latest releases of trends and the recent promos, can pay through the net and get their orders on their doorsteps. Proponents. The proponent can have a wider understanding about how does processes in a system cycle throughout the supplier-business-customer relationship. They can also gain knowledge on strategic decisions on how to handle problems encountered by the company and how to formulate the proper solutions. Future Researchers. The future researchers will have ample ideas on how to deal problems in their researches especially those who will have the same topic. Using this research as a guideline, it can aid them in documentations and how to interrelate each concepts to mend the milestones of each activity. 1. 5 Scope and Limitations of the Study Front End. The front-end part of the system is the website which will be seen or used by the customers. The proponents will create a user friendly Website for Marikina Shoe Exchange that will enable users to view and order products online. Through this site, customers will be able register, view products, and receive notifications regarding new promos, and order products online. The Website will be updated regularly to provide excellent customer service. Back End. To make the inventory process of the company easier, the proposed system will include a database system that will lessen the errors made by manual inventory checking. The employee will simply input the number of stocks at hand. If the quantity of a certain product is below the normal level of the number of stocks, the employee will be notified to ensure that they have a good amount of stocks for a certain product. The proposed system will also provide security; only authorized employees will be able to check the database to avoid the risk of other people accessing the inventory files. Maintenance. The proponents will provide a certain device that will serve as the back-up of the proposed system. The said system will also be easy to maintain; all required information is stored in one database. Delivery. Delivery rates will depend on how far the customer is located and will also depend on the total amount of the customers’ ordered products. Mode of Payment. Since the customers ordered online, payment will be made through credit card. Registered customers will be asked to provide a credit card line and number to be able to order products online. This mode of payment is guaranteed on its convenience. 6. Methodology of the Study [pic] One way to reduce cycle time is to use phased development. The system is designed so that it can be delivered in pieces, enabling the users to have some functionality while the rest is being developed. Thus, there are usually two systems functioning in parallel: the production system and the development system. The operational or production sytem is the one currently being used by the customer and user; the development system is the next version that is being prepared to replace the current production system. Often, we refer to the systems in terms of their release numbers: the developers build Release 1, test it, and turn it over the users as the first operational release. Then, as the users use Release 1, the developers are building Release 2. Thus, the developers are always working on Release n + 1 while Release n is operational. There are many ways for the developers to decide how to organize development into releases. The two most popular approaches are incremental development and iterative development. In incremental development, the system as specified in the requirements documents is partitioned into subsystems by functionality. The releases are defined by beginning with one small, functional subsystem and then adding functionality with each new release. However, iterative development delivers a full system at the very beginning and then changes the fuctionality of each subsystem with each new release.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Sources of Motivation Paper
Sometimes people have to ask themselves questions such as why do I want to do that, what is it that I need that is going to take to get me from point A to point B, and how do I keep doing what I need to do to accomplish the set task or goal? Many times people wonder what causes an individual to act in a certain way. The word motivation is used in everyday language and can be defined in various ways but, in general, it is referred to as the internal course of action that triggers, directs and maintains the individual’s behaviors toward a particular goal or event (Ferguson, 2000). Hence, this paper defines motivation, addresses a few sources of motivation, gives an idea about how human motivation and behavior are linked together, as well as look at how motivation is displayed in behavior. Sources of Motivation Motivation can originate from internal sources, described as biological and psychological variables, and from external sources, such as incentives and goals (Deckers, 2010, pg. 1). For example, a biological factor in the motivation to eat would be that the individual got something to eat because his or her stomach was growling or experiencing stomach pangs. A psychological factor in the motivation to eat would be that an individual ate too much because he or she used food as a way to cope with his or her feelings of depression or loneliness. An environmental factor in the motivation to eat would be that the sight and smell of food triggered the hunger and eating such as the smell of a freshly baked loaf of banana nut bread. An external factor to becoming motivated to cook one’s own freshly baked bread is having the goal to learn how to bake the bread and then market it in a way to bring in extra income. In addition to biological, psychological and environmental variables to motivation, it is also said that motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic. According to Ferguson, internal outcomes can provide internal incentives, and incentive motivation of this type is called intrinsic motivation. When external outcomes provide external incentives, the incentive motivation is called extrinsic motivation (2000, pg. 215). For example, a person who is intrinsically motivated might learn to play the piano because it gives the individual has a sense of pleasure while listening to the music. A person who is extrinsically motivated might learn to play the piano because he or she is promised monetary gain or some other type of reward. The Relationship between Motivation and Behavior Psychologists, therapists, behaviorists as well as others who work in or interested in human services, many times want to know and participate in studies to help them learn more about what motivates individuals to behave or misbehave in a certain way. According to Reeves, â€Å"motivation study concerns all conditions that exist within the person and within the environment and culture that explain â€Å"why we want what we want†and â€Å"why we do what we do (2009, pg. iii). †So, when people think about motivation, they have to consider the individual’s desire, drive, and need to get or accomplish something and whether that motivation is strong or weak as well as the behavior that goes along with it. To put it in another way, motivation and behavior are like the coin which has the head (motivation) and the tail (behavior). Thus, when explaining the relationship between motivation and behavior, the truth is that you can’t have one without the other. How Motivation Exhibited in Behavior What causes a person to walk in the rain without an umbrella? Could it be that the individual must get to his or her destination no matter the condition of the weather? Or could it be that the individual loves the feel of water coming down from its natural environment? If not for those reasons, then could it be that the individual uses the rain water during that time to hide his or her tears in an attempt to release some of his or her emotions of sorrow and pain? The way people act will many times depend on the motivation behind it. It’s difficult to understand certain behaviors without looking at the the type of motivation that is connected to it. People many times search out ways that will help them get motivated to move in the direction of their thoughts or of their own perceived needs or preferred wants. The behavior that they will exhibit once they have iscovered the need or source, will then help them know what they can do and then motivate them to get to their desired objective, goal or even the destination that they have set forth for themselves. Simply put, motivation is a kind of an internal force which compels an individual to do something in order to get something whether it be revealed internally or displayed externally. For exa mple, I am motivated to do well in class, thus I must read the material, answer the questions according to recommended standards, participate in class discussions and perform well on assignments given. Thus, when looking at or attempting to explain motivation with that example, it is not only what causes me to act but also why I took a certain course of action. Motivation is about human strivings, wants, desires, and goals and the behavior exhibited will either be a push or pull that gets the individual to do something. If the desires are strong, the individual will do work hard at trying to fulfill it and if they are weak, he or she may be less motivated to do so. Motivation, whether it is strong or weak, comes through a number of sources and the behavior that is displayed comes out in different ways. Whether those motivations are due to biological, psychological and environmental variables, the behavior affects the individual’s end whether that end is positive or negative. Whether the motivation is internally, externally, intrinsically or extrinsically motivated, people will do those things are important to them and show forth the behaviors that will get them toward their desired wants, needs, objectives or goals. References Ferguson, E. (2000). Motivation: A Biosocial and Cognitive Integration of Motivation and Emotion. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, Incorporated. Deckers, L. (2010). Motivation: Biological, Psychological, and Environmental. (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon. Retrieved from Reeve, J. (2009). Understanding motivation and emotion. (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Retrieved from
Competitors Analysis for Hoi Tin Tong Essay
Hung Fook Tong (HFT) founded in 1986 and more than 120 stores in China and HK. HFT turned traditional herbal tea shop into a modern and innovative enterprise over the years which have over 100 products, including herbal jellies, herbal tea, homemade soups, and preservative-free healthy drinks. An innovation that helped both the popularity and the portability of herbal tea, they have more than 3000 retail points across the territory, including supermarkets, convenience shops, schools and restaurants. Kung Wo Tong (KWT) was established in 1904 by an imperial physician in the Qing Dynasty, there are total 10 stores in HK and 1 in China. The stores located along a main street and keeps old-fashioned herbal drinks shops in typical sized with limited even no decoration over hundred years. Most of shops sell four to six kinds of herbal drinks, but the herbal jelly is one staple that seldom miss the list. They keeps tradition way and focus more on the health benefits rather than its taste. HealthWorks (HW) started as a traditional Chinese herbal tea shop in 1989 and decided to modernize the company in 2000 in order to follow their global expansion plan. HW use modern technologies involves in develop, produce and distribute an array of traditional Chinese natural nourishing productions including herbal soup, herbal tea, medicinal tea, herbal jelly and other Chinese medicinal diet. There are 22 shops which mainly at MTR stations with trendy decoration and more than 1500 point of sales distributing ready-to-drinks herbal tea in various supermarkets and convenient stores Compare to HTT, customer regard KWT is more traditional and believe the products have more medical function while HFT and HW are trendier and provide health supplement goods. So, customers who go to HTT and KWT will be the local people who believe traditional herbal benefits, mainly the adult and elderly. The customers who go to HFT and HW will be younger age customers with health conscious and even tourists. HTT lost the competitive advances to HFT on product range and market coverage due to HFT do a good job at distribution strategy which has lots of products and large distribution channels. HFT also use price strategy to set their price is the lower among these competitor, these advances make HFT become the biggest herbal tea group in HK according to survey by AC Nelson. HTT use location strategy and branding strategy better than other competitors who have many chain stories and strong image, so HTT have competitive advances on sales network, number of chain stores and customer loyalty.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
zing heil essays
zing heil essays Marilyn Manson, The Beatles, NWA, Garth Brooks, and the king, Elvis, What do all these people have in common? Well, yes, they are all musical groups, but there is something more. Marilyn Manson is a heavy metal group who worships Satan, the Beatles were one of the greatest Rock N Roll bands of all time, and NWA was a hard-core rap group from the 80s. Garth Brooks is a country singer and greatest selling performer of all time, and well, Elvis is the king of Rock N Roll. So what do they all have in common? All of these artists have or had songs with indecent or obscene lyrics. Since the dawn of musical expression, there have been people trying to stop or hinder the constitutional right to listen and enjoy music of all forms. There were ordinary, everyday people during the infancy of Rock N Roll in the 1960s who made it their mission in life to stop so-called obscene music like the Beatles song Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds, from polluting our airwaves and minds. These groups succeeded in banning some songs from the radio, but most of their actions were for naught, because there was no real punishment for radio stations playing those songs labeled obscene. By 1985, many people wanted to cleanse the music industry of its indecent music, so the most prominent group in the history of music censorship was started: The Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC)-(A Brief...). This was just the first of many groups who made it their business to decide what the American Population should or should not listen to. These censorship groups have also been able to get government money in order to fight, lie, and bribe their way to censoring music. The PMRC and other organizations have also convinced government organizations like the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) to regulate what music is played on the radio. Places like Target, Disc Jockey, and other local record ...
Romantic Vs. Rationalist Essays - Lecturers, German Idealism
Romantic Vs. Rationalist Essays - Lecturers, German Idealism Romantic Vs. Rationalist Romanticism and Rationalism Romanticism began in the mid-18th century and reached its height in the 19th century. The Romantic literature of the nineteenth century holds in its topics the ideals of the time period, concentrating on emotion, nature, and the expression of nothing. The Romantic era was one that focused on the commonality of humankind and, while using emotion and nature; the poets and their works shed light on people's universal natures. Romanticism as a movement declined in the late 19th century and early 20th century with the growing dominance of Realism in the literature and the rapid advancement of science and technology. However, Romanticism was very impressionative on most individuals during its time. Rationalism or Realism was erected during the mid 19th century. Realism are ideas that are brought up in philosophical thinking. The realistic movement of the late 19th century saw authors accurately depict life and it's problems. Realists attempted to give a comprehensive picture of modern life by presenting the entire picture. They did not try to give one view of life but instead attempted to show the different classes, manners, and stratification of life. The Rationalist recognizes that they must master their own destiny, using their unique powers of reason and the scientific method to solve problems. Such authors that represent these two eras are Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, William Wordsworth and Charles Darwin. Romantics believed that one needed to understand nature to understand oneself. In other words, only through nature could one discover who they are. Emerson shows this in his writing called Nature. In the exert man beholds somewhat as beautiful as his own nature. This depicts Emerson's feelings toward nature; view nature as you view yourself. If one views nature as caring and compassionate, one will also see themselves as caring and compassionate. Similarly if you understand nature you will know yourself better. As one gains wisdom from nature, one begins to realize that understanding is a gate way to the divine as well as to oneself. Other writers also agreed with this notion of nature. In the essay Walden by Thoreau, Thoreau had left society to move into a shelter outside of his town. By living on only the necessities he lived his life as simple as he could, thus finding the divine within himself. By being separate from society and being one with yourself are the only ways one can find the divine. Thoreau felt by doing this society would have a harder time to mold him into what it wanted him to think. Thoreau left a life of luxury for voluntary poverty. Even though he was poorer in his outward riches he was wealthy in his inward riches. A good number of romantic views of Nature suggested using Nature as ones tool to learn. This is evident in William Wordsworth's poem The Tables Turned. In the poem The Tables Turned Wordsworth states to quit your books [for it is] a dull and endless strife[;] enough of Science; close up those barren leaves. Wordsworth believed piece that books were useless to learn from. He believed that we should Let Nature be [our] Teacher [for it]may teach you more of man [and] moral good and evil[, more] than all the sages can. Wordsworth agreed with the previous notion that to understand the divine and oneself, they must first start with understanding Nature. This View of studying Nature is taken one step further by Charles Darwin. Perhaps the most appealing quality of Darwin's work was that it accounted for phenomenon in a purely naturalistic manner. It was the most scientific explanation yet, completely removing the supernatural explanation, and setting him apart from the theorists before him. The major unsettled scientific question of Darwin's Theory was be in regards to natural selection as the mechanism for change, which became the issue among the general public as well. It took several years for the idea of natural selection to become accepted within the scientific community. Darwin's work was not immediately accepted as science. In a sense, he was revolutionary, not just for proposing an explanation of evolution that removed the supernatural element, but also for the fact that he was able to present his ideas to
Monday, October 21, 2019
Spring Words With Activity Tips
Spring Words With Activity Tips This comprehensive spring word list can be used to create many spring activities such as worksheets, writing prompts, word walls, word searches, journal writing, and much more. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for tips on how to use these spring words in your classroom. Spring Words A AllergiesAprilApril Fools Day B BaseballBasketBeesBikeBloomBloomingBlossomBlueBlue SkyBreezyBrightBriskBunnyButterflyBudsBuzzing C CaterpillarChickChirpingCinco De MayoClouds D DaffodilsDaisiesDandelions E Earth DayEasterEggs F Flowers G GaloshesGardenGolfGrassyGreenGrowing H HatHatch K Kite L LadybugLambLight colorsLighteningLily M MarchMayMay DayMay flowersMeltingMemorial DayMothers Day N NatureNest O Outdoors P PastelPedalPinkPlantPuddlesPurple R RainRainbowRain bootsRaincoatRobinRoller skates S SeasonsSeedsSidewalkShowersSkySlickerSpringtimeSpring breakSproutingSunnySunglassesSunshine T TadpoleTreesTulipsTwigs U Umbrella W WarmWatering canWeatherWetWindyWorms Y Yellow Activity Tips Here are ten ideas for using this Spring word list in your classroom: Create a colorful word wall of these Spring words for your young writers to view throughout the season.Have students use the Spring word list to create an acrostic poem.Create a Spring word scramble, where students must be detectives and try and unscramble each word from the list.Have students fold a piece of paper in half, then write each spring word on the list down the left-hand side of their paper. Next, have them draw a picture on the right-hand column, to accompany the word in the left-hand column.Have students create a graphic organizer where they must write down ten spring words that are not on the list.Students must choose ten words from the list, and use the word in a sentence.Students must choose five words from the list, and write five adjectives describing each word.From the list, students must write five Spring words under each of the following categories: Spring weather, Spring holidays, Spring outdoors, Spring Activities, and Spring clothing.Using the list, students m ust write down as many compound words as they can find. Have students create a story using as many words from the list as they can.
Foolish Love Essays - Frankie Laine Discography, Startup Cult
Foolish Love Essays - Frankie Laine Discography, Startup Cult Foolish Love Foolish Love Throughout my life I have behaved in many of foolish ways due to the emotion called love. Love is something I used to dream about as a child and have grown to fear as an adult. Every person feels differently about love, but because of David I hurt my parents, my self-esteem and ability to trust people. At the age of fourteen, I was not concerned with my parents feelings. I did exactly the opposite of what they told me to do and did not think about the consequences. When they found out I was dating a guy five years older than me they tried to prohibit me from seeing him again. I was in love so I made it possible to see David every time he wanted to see me. I would get my parents to drop me off somewhere like the movies or putt-putt and he would pick me up after they had left. I would sneak out of my bedroom window and meet David down the road. I did not care if my parents found out, all that mattered to me was seeing David. I blamed everything that went wrong in my life on them. If David did not call me one night, I would accuse them of taking the phone off the hook. If David was rude to me, I would claim it was because he knew they did not like him. I would do anything to ignore the fact that David did not love me. It took a while for my parents to forgive me. I can only imagine what I put them through. I just wanted to be loved by David so deeply, I hurt the people who actually loved me the most. Not only did I hurt my parents, I hurt my self-esteem to. I would constantly criticize myself by thinking the reason David left me was because I was not pretty enough for him. In my mind David was perfect and I was nothing without him. I blamed myself for being so young and immature when all along it was David who was the immature one. He would often make jokes about my age as if it was my fault that I was younger than him. I would lock myself in my bedroom and not see or talk to anybody for days at a time. Eventually, I realized David was not worth all this pain and moved on with my life but the scars will always be with me. For me to learn to trust again has been the hardest issue of all. I had all the trust in the world in David and he let me down. Everything he said to me was a lie. When he said he loved me, I believed him. When he said he would never leave me, I thought he really meant it. I find it difficult to be in other relationships because I am constantly wondering if they are being truthful. I broke up with my last boyfriend because he claimed he loved me and I felt like I barely knew him. I have come to the conclusion that I am scared to trust because I am scared of love. I do not want to get hurt again, so I keep my distance from anything that could cause me pain or disappointment. Love has caused me to hurt my parents, and my self-esteem and ability to trust people. I have heard people say love is the best feeling in the world. I think I will just take their word and not chance it right now. I still have a lot of healing to do before I am fully ready to commit myself to anyone else. Jenny Hobby English 101 12:00-12:50 Foolish Love February 4, 1999
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Biology Homework Help Resources
Biology Homework Help Resources Biology, the study of life, can be fascinating and wondrous. However, certain biology topics can sometimes seem incomprehensible. The best way to get a clear understanding of difficult biology concepts is to study them at home, as well as at school. Students should use quality biology homework help resources when studying. Below are some good resources and information to help you answer some of your biology homework questions. Key Takeaways Biology homework and assignments can be difficult to understand. Always make sure to avail yourself of all available resources so that you can succeed.Your instructor, fellow students, and tutors can be invaluable to help make sure that you get clarification on concepts that you dont understand.Understanding key biological concepts like cell processes, DNA, and genetics are helpful in understanding some of the foundations of biology.Use sample biology quizzes and online resources to test your grasp of biology concepts. Biology Homework Help Resources Anatomy of the HeartLearn about this amazing organ that supplies blood to the entire body. Animal TissuesInformation on the structure and function of animal tissue types. Bio-Word DissectionsLearn how to dissect difficult biology words so that they are easy to understand. Brain BasicsThe brain is one of the largest and most important organs of the human body. Weighing in at about three pounds, this organ has a wide range of responsibilities. Characteristics of LifeWhat are the basic characteristics of life? How To Study for Biology Exams Biology exams can seem intimidating and overwhelming. The key to overcoming these obstacles is preparation. Learn how to do well on your biology test. Organ SystemsThe human body is made up of several organ systems that work together as one unit. Learn about these systems and how they work together. The Magic of PhotosynthesisPhotosynthesis is a process in which light energy is used to produce sugar and other organic compounds. Cells Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic CellsTake a journey into the cell to find out about the cell structure and classification of both prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. Cellular RespirationCellular respiration is the process by which cells harvest the energy stored in food. Differences Between Plant and Animal CellsPlant and animal cells are similar in that both are eukaryotic cells. However, there are several important differences between these two cell types. Prokaryotic CellsProkaryotes are single-celled organisms that are the earliest and most primitive forms of life on earth. Prokaryotes include bacteria and archaeans. 10 Different Types of Cells in the Human Body The body contains trillions of cells that come in varying shapes and sizes. Explore some of the different types of cells in the body. 7 Differences Between Mitosis and MeiosisCells divide either through the process of mitosis or meiosis. Sex cells are produced through meiosis, while all other body cell types are produced through mitosis. DNA Processes Steps of DNA ReplicationDNA replication is the process of copying the DNA within our cells. This process involves RNA and several enzymes, including DNA polymerase and primase. How Does DNA Transcription Work?DNA transcription is a process that involves the transcribing of genetic information from DNA to RNA. Genes are transcribed in order to produce proteins. Translation and Protein SynthesisProtein synthesis is accomplished through a process called translation. In translation, RNA and ribosomes work together to produce proteins. Genetics Genetics GuideGenetics is the study of inheritance or heredity. This guide helps you to understand basic genetics principles. Why We Look Like Our ParentsHave you ever wondered why you have the same eye color as your parent? Traits are inherited by the transmission of genes from parents to their young. What Is Polygenic Inheritance?Polygenic inheritance is the inheritance of traits such as skin color, eye color and hair color, that are determined by more than one gene. How Gene Mutation OccursA gene mutation is any change that occurs in the DNA. These changes can be beneficial to, have some effect on, or be seriously detrimental to an organism. What Traits Are Determined by Your Sex Chromosomes?Sex-linked traits originate from genes found on sex chromosomes. Hemophilia is an example of a common sex-linked disorder that is an X-linked recessive trait. Quizzes Cellular Respiration QuizCellular respiration allows cells to harvest the energy in the foods we eat. Test your knowledge of cellular respiration by taking this quiz! Genetics and Heredity QuizDo you know the difference between codominance and incomplete dominance? Test your knowledge of genetics by taking the Genetics and Heredity Quiz! How Much Do You Know About Mitosis?In mitosis, the nucleus from a cell is divided equally between two cells. Test your knowledge of mitosis and cell division by taking the Mitosis Quiz! Getting Additional Help The above information provides a basic foundation for various biology topics. If you find that you still have problems understanding the material, dont be afraid to request assistance from an instructor or tutor. They can help clarify concepts so that you can gain a deeper understanding of biological concepts.
How to Calculate a Male to Female Ratio (And Other Quantities)
How to Calculate a Male to Female Ratio (And Other Quantities) To paraphrase Frederick Douglass, â€Å"We may not get all that we pay for, but we will certainly pay for all that we get.†To salute that grand arbiter of coiffure and promoter of equality, let’s discuss how to best use our resources. Use a ratio to compare two quantities. Examples: Using Ratio to Compare Quantities Miles per hourText messages per dollarFacebook page visitors per weekMen per women Example: Ratio and Social Life Sheila, a busy career woman, plans to wisely use her leisure time. She wants a place with as many men per women as possible. As a statistician, this single woman believes that a high male to female ratio is the best way to find Mr. Right. Here are the female and male headcounts of certain places: Athletic Club, Thursday night: 6 women, 24 menYoung Professionals Meeting, Thursday night: 24 women, 6 menBayou Blues Night Club, Thursday night: 200 women, 300 men Which place will Sheila choose? Calculate the ratios: Athletic Club 6 women/24 menSimplified: 1 women/4 menIn other words, the Athletic Club boasts 4 men for each woman. Young Professionals Meeting 24 women/6 menSimplified: 4 women/1 manIn other words, the Young Professionals Meeting offers 4 women for each man. Note: A ratio can be an improper fraction; the numerator can be greater than the denominator. Bayou Blues Club 200 women/300 menSimplified: 2 women/3 menIn other words, for every 2 women at the Bayou Blues Club, there are 3 men. Which Place Offers the Best Female to Male Ratio? Unfortunately for Sheila, the female-dominated Young Professionals Meeting is not an option. Now, she has to choose between the Athletic Club and the Bayou Blues Club. Compare the Athletic Club and Bayou Blues Club ratios. Use 12 as the common denominator. Athletic Club: 1 women/4 men 3 women/12 menBayou Blues Club: 2 women/3 men 8 women/12 men On Thursday, Sheila wears her best spandex outfit to the male-dominated Athletic Club. Unfortunately, the four men she meets all have breath like train smoke. So much for using math in real life. Exercises Mario can afford to apply to only one university. He will apply to the school that offers the best probability of awarding him a full, academic scholarship. Assume that each scholarship committee - overworked and understaffed - will award scholarships to students whose names are randomly pulled from a hat. Each of Marios prospective schools has posted its average number of applicants and average number of full-ride scholarships. College A: 825 applicants; 275 full-ride scholarshipsCollege B: 600 applicants; 150 full-ride scholarshipsCollege C: 2,250 applicants; 250 full-ride scholarshipsCollege D: 1,250 applicants; 125 full-ride scholarships Calculate the ratio of applicants to full-ride scholarships at College A.825 applicants: 275 scholarshipsSimplify: 3 applicants: 1 scholarshipCalculate the ratio of applicants to full-ride scholarships at College B.600 applicants: 150 scholarshipsSimplify: 4 applicants: 1 scholarshipCalculate the ratio of applicants to full-ride scholarships at College C.2,250 applicants: 250 scholarshipsSimplify: 9 applicants: 1 scholarshipCalculate the ratio of applicants to full-ride scholarships at College D.1,250 applicants: 125 scholarshipsSimplify: 10 applicants: 1 scholarshipWhich college has the least favorable applicant to scholarship ratio?College DWhich college has the most favorable applicant to scholarship ratio?College ATo which college will Mario apply?College A
Saturday, October 19, 2019
E-Movements Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
E-Movements - Research Paper Example Computers have to be protected when the consumers carry out commercial activities, engage in cross-border e-commerce, and make online business transactions and email communications with online traders. 1. One priority that I would like to add in the regard of information technology security is the physical security of information networks. In a network, those computers must be physically secured that hold sensitive information and network passwords on them (Anderson & Moore, 2009). All sensitive servers and networks should be secured from the enemy, by means of firewalls, code encryption and decryption (cryptography) and intrusion detection system. 2. Another priority is the physical security of hardware. Ethics require that the officials use the ‘lock everything’ approach (Benson & Rahman, 2011, p.80). One must look for devices that lock the computer cases to desks and lock the disk drives and the CPU as well. The system must be password protected. The BIOS of the system must be configured so that it does not boot from a floppy drive being used by the
Right to life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness Essay
Right to life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness - Essay Example 1. Introduction. This paper highlights the various groups whose rights to life, pursuit of happiness, and liberty are breached. It describes these groups and provides a solution on how to ensure their rights are not breached. Theses Statement: In United States of America who still do not enjoy the right to liberty, life and pursuit to happiness, and they are gays and lesbians, death row convicts, and immigrants (Hispanics/ Latinos/ and African Americans). 11. Gay and Lesbians. Gays and Lesbians are discriminated upon in terms of their right to liberty and pursuit of happiness. This section looks at the defense marriage act of 1996, and how it affected the rights of the gay people. This section also looks at the efforts of the civil rights groups in protecting the interests of this vulnerable group. 111. Death Row Convicts. Death Row conflicts are denied the right to live. This section looks at the case laws that established the penalty, and the constitutional requirements. It depicts the ways of ensuring that this sentence is abolished in the member states of the Federation. IV. Hispanics/ Latinos/ African Americans These groups of people are discriminated upon in terms of employment and access to social facilities such as decent housing and education. This denies them the right to pursue happiness. It identifies the various ways of solving their problems, and ensuring that they are accepted within the society. V. Opposing View Points. It identifies the viewpoints of other researchers in relation to the groups of people whose rights to life, pursuit of happiness and liberty are breached. It identifies and explains the roles of the civil rights act of 1968, and the fair housing act in protecting the rights of these vulnerable people. VI. Counter Arguments. This section highlights my opinion concerning the observations of this group of people. VII. Conclusion. This part contains a summary of the main points addressed in the essay. Introduction The declaration of independence gives out the reasons as to why the people of North America sought independence from the British. The document was written by Thomas Jefferson, and it denotes that there are certain human rights which are not negotiable, and they include the right to liberty, pursuit of happiness, and the right to life (Jefferson and Sam, 31). The document further states that it is the duty of government to protect these rights, and failure to do so, people must overthrow the same government. In defending this assertion, the thirteen states of North America formed a constitution in 1787 that guaranteed these rights to its citizens. Despite advances in this area, there are other people in United States of America who still do not enjoy the right to liberty, life and pursuit to happiness, and they are gays and lesbians, death row convicts, and immigrants (Hispanics/ Latinos/ and African Americans). Gay and Lesbians Same sex marriages has experienced a lot of debate in United States of Ame rica, with some States enacting laws in recognition to the marriage, while others do not recognize such kind of a marriage. The American constitution under article IV, section 1, denotes that the Federal government has to respect the judicial proceedings and laws of the member states of the federation. Because of this clause, the United States Federal government recognizes various marriage practices conducted by the State governments, however in 1996, the United States Congress passed the defense of marriage act (Jefferson and Sam, 35). It gave the Federal government authority not to recognize same sex marriages, even if the marriage occurred in a State whose laws permit it. On this basis therefore, this law prevents people from enjoying their rights to liberty and pursuit to
Friday, October 18, 2019
Critical Review E Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Critical Review E - Essay Example McDonough and partners’ conceptual project of rooftop gardening in China (2005) demonstrates how congestion entails the need for new buildings that cater to sustainable communities. See Figure 1. The project fits Manhattan urbanism because of its megalomania, but it also challenges the latter because it seeks to address and reduce the culture of congestion through a program that tackles spaces and actions. The project illustrates megalomania because of its localization of a â€Å"world totally fabricated by man†(Koolhaus, 325). Rooftop gardening is a localization of agriculturalism, through the conversion of a dimension of urban space to a local rural one. Though the project aims to improve the building’s sustainability, it remains as an evidence of the negative effects of the culture of congestion: an Urbanism that has created the loss of spaces dedicated to agricultural industries. The project is a garden, but it also depicts Urbanism through its features of human-made fabrication and integration into a congested culture. The same project, nevertheless, addresses and diminishes the culture of congestion through a program that tackles spaces and actions. It represents the programmatic function of architecture that Tschumi believes is its essential role. He argues that architecture must create places that â€Å"confront spaces and actions†(Tschumi 141). The project deals with urbanism through promoting an ecosystem in the megalomania, which combines social engagement (through its walkways) and sustainability. It confronts congestion through expressing its desire for ecological balance. The conceptual project of rooftop gardening in China reveals that Urbanism is experiencing a rupture, as it scrambles to invite back Nature into its form and function. It remains a megalomania that exhibits human-made fabrications of living systems, though it also confronts the culture of congestion by attempting to provide more agricultural spaces that attend to long-run
Australian Marketing and Advertising Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Australian Marketing and Advertising Law - Essay Example At times, however, the innovation might be jeopardized because of marketing. For instance, the most popular brand name Coca-Cola was subject to serious criticism from public and competitors when it was found to have traces of coca leaves that are dangerous to health. The Coca-Cola Company’s lawyers contested the claim and argued that cola is a special herb that improves health and the concentration of coca leaves in the beverage is not harmful for health. At this point, the competitors argued that the brand name Coca-Cola is deceptive in its nature as it does not really include anything that its name suggests (Solar Navigator). The marketers have to be aware of the importance of trademark laws to ensure that they do not violate any of these laws. Likewise, the Coca-Cola formula is a secretive recipe that is unknown to the world though it exists almost 100 years. The recipe is protected under Trade Secrets law. For marketers, it is important to understand the intellectual prope rty rights associated with the innovation of a company. The intellectual property rights comprise of trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets, etc. These rights are categorized according to their scope, subject matter that is protected, disclosure conditions for the grant of protection and duration of applicability of these rights. For instance, a patent is granted for innovations that are novel, involves an inventive step and has industrial application. Such a patent is to be valid for a period of 20 years and is granted upon the mandatory condition according to which the inventor completely discloses the invention to the public. Likewise, the copyright is granted for literary, artistic, cinematographic and record works for 100 years minimum. The trademark protects a mark, brand name, company name, logo, smell and sound that distinguish one product from the other. Its duration does not exceed 10 years and is renewable for 5 years if the business is interested in protecting th e mark. The trade secrets is a protection for the subject matters that are not covered by any of the intellectual property rights, require unlimited protection or are of such a nature that a disclosure to the public might result in substantial loss for the owner. The trade secrets are a special protection that is recognized by the World Trade Organization’s Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement. It has not been defined in a definite manner. The trade secrets are those secrets which attach considerable value to its owner, are of benefit to the competitors and can literally tarnish the image of the owner. They have a lifetime of protection unless not disclosed to public or stolen. The trade secret that is once leaked loses its secrecy. However, the owner of the trade secret can take action against such disclosure or theft if it is possible to prove that the trade secret was carefully locked in a secretive place, substantial measures were taken to keep the trade secret, the employees were not aware of the secret information, the top level employees, financial advisors, consultants, and any third parties, who were directly or indirectly involved with the trade secret, signed the Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA). The court upon sufficient proof of the measures and value attached to the trade secret can order injunction that bars the thieves or the violators of NDAs from
Current state-of-the-art in one of the EECS Research Paper
Current state-of-the-art in one of the EECS - Research Paper Example The move is driven by the existing gap between designer’s productivity and DSP increased complexity. As microprocessors, digital signal perform data manipulation and mathematical calculations and are characterized by real time digital signal processing competencies as data is processed in real time, high throughput, software re-programmability and deterministic operation. Despite appearing in the market in the early 1980s, DSP have numerous applications and have become key enabling technology for numerous electronics products in fields like automotive, instrumentation and military, multimedia and electronics products. Since the 1980s, DSPs have undergone extreme evolution namely in terms of hardware features, software development tools and integration. Hardware evolution occurred in two phases which are the development phase and the consolidation phase. The development phase took place until 1990 when DSP was characterized by fixed width instruction set. From 1990 to date, DSP hardware consolidation has seen development of parallel architectures, multiprocessing support, fewer manufacturers, specialized families and improved debug potential. Very Long Instruction Word VLIW and Single Instruction Multiple Data or SIMD emerged during DSP consolidation period and introduced parallelism that enhanced DSP performance. Conversely, DSP software tools have improved in a spectacular way as code compilers have evolved to effectively deal with the underlying hardware complexity and increased DSP architecture. The enhanced code compilers enable the developer to efficiently use high level languages to program more and at improved efficiency. Today, advanced programming tools like Matlab and LabView DSP module, enable the graphical DSP programming through interconnection of pre-defined blocks that are later converted into DSP code while high performance simulators, debugging and emulator facilities provide the developer with high DSP visibility with little or no inter ference on the execution of program. Through their recent associated numerous changes, programmable DSPs have become not only a rising star but also one of the fastest growing segments within the industry of processors. New developments in DSP that will influence future chip designs Today’s automobiles are experiencing a revolution that has seen gradual elimination of systems that are purely analog electronics and mechanical. Consequently, the automobile industry is gradually turning digital and incorporating dozens of embedded processors whose connection is through multiple digital networks that are optimizing and controlling nearly all operations. Hori (1) reveals that the automobile industry will experience more advancement in future car generations while the development of complex algorithms for signal processing will contribute in advancing emission and engine control, safety, driver interfaces, and in-cabin information and entertainment or infotainment. Despite the incr easing applications of DSPs in automotives, the selection of automotive processor is influenced by factors such as automobile qualification, on-chip integration, prices, performance, and efficiency of energy use. The automotive DSPs selection is also
For this essay, choose someone who serves you, write an essay that
For this , choose someone who serves you, write an that analyzes their service to you - Essay Example As I accept his support of my own college education, I marvel at his feat of having worked his way through college and being the first person from his family to graduate successfully. I am determined to emulate his hard work and focus on academics and adopt his tactics of time management but, at the same time, I hope to make my own attempt to utilize the extra-curricular opportunities that a college education offers. My father has always emphasized the importance of academic excellence, and he is a living testament to the power of education to change one’s life. Even when at High School, he realized that it was only academic excellence which would see him through school and college, as he was dependent on a merit scholarship for financial support. He chuckles as he recalls burning the midnight oil on several occasions, and his brother’s horrified exclamation, ‘He’s gone bonkers!’ when he declined to join him for late-night movies. Throughout his college years, my father adhered strictly to his maxim of â€Å"Study first†(Name, personal communication, February 19, 2009). I hope to retain this focus on academics during my own years at college, for the basic purpose of a college education is the assimilation of academic skills. As my father strove to maintain the grades he needed to retain his scholarship, he also juggled a part-time job at the local pharmacy after school hours. This helped pay for his personal expenses. He says, â€Å"That’s when I discovered the secret of time management: scheduling!†(Name, personal communication, February 19, 2009). His secret entailed writing out a ‘time table’ for the following day, in which he drew columns and assigned tasks for each hour. I do believe I have inherited my habit of writing a ‘to-do list’ every night from this trait of my father’s! Time management will definitely be one of the tools I employ as I set out to make the most of my college days. Perhaps on account of his financial
Rare Genetic Disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Rare Genetic Disease - Essay Example The significance of this article lies in its assertion to establish a link between molecular biology and medical outcome. This claim is partially validated by the result of the research however, since the article is limited only on how the molecular make-up of an individual (represented by a laboratory model, in the research) is contaminated by progerin. It would have been more credible had the writer included researches done in clinical setting as well. At this point it is worth mentioning that such article is easily accessible by the general public. Hence, fundamentals such as 1) history, 2) special features of children that have been affected by progeria, 3) diagnosis 4) how progeria affects aging, and 5) drug/s or medication that might have been tested to cure or retard the effect of progeria should have been briefly discussed.. Furthermore, A better understanding of the causes of this syndrome (Progeria) could lead to better insights into the mechanisms of both development and a ging. Furthermore, the article emphasized that the cause of HGPS was identified in 2003,2 but failed to mention that progeria syndrome took its root as early as 1886 when Dr. Jonathan Hutchinson first described the disease.3 Certainly there are more studies available that might have served as a foundation to this article. One of those considered an authority in the study of HGPS is the Progeria Research Foundation (PRF). Following are some of the results from studies conducted by PRF. About one in four to eight million newborns (both sexes) have been affected by Progeria. Children around the globe including Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Cuba, England, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Poland, Puerto Rico, South Africa, South America, South Korea, Switzerland, Turkey, the US, Venezuela, Vietnam and Yugoslavia have been affected by the disease. Signs of progeria-affected newborns include growth failure, loss of body fat and hair, aged-looking skin, stiffness of joints, hip dislocation, generalized atherosclerosis, cardiovascular (heart) disease and stroke. The children have a remarkably similar appearance, despite differing ethnic backgrounds. Children with Progeria die of atherosclerosis (heart disease) at an average age of thirteen years (with a range of about 8 - 21 years). They suffer from the same strokes and heart attacks that affect millions of aging people throughout the world. But heart disease in progeria is fast, and they can get strokes as early as (four) years old.4 These and other studies aimed at discovering the cure and effective treatment for Progeria and its aging related disorders should have been cited in this article to clarify and support its contention. References: 1 Rare genetic disease (03 March2008). E-Lab. Accessed on 02 April 2008 from 2 Ibid. 3 Gordon, Leslie B (Summer 2007). Progeria: Growing Old Too Fast. Your World -- A Biotechnology Magazine, 16 (2), 3-5. Retrieved 02 April 2008 from 4 Progeriaresearch.Org, c 2006. Progeria 101 Fact.The Progeria Resear
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Thomas Jefferson and the New American Nation Essay
Thomas Jefferson and the New American Nation - Essay Example Usage of terms such as â€Å"necessary†creates an impression of the strong need for the Americans to take the proposed action, which is well connected to their human nature. The line, â€Å"One people†can be translated to send a strong message that the Americans and the British were different people brought together politically and breaking the â€Å"political bands†which was a necessity for the survival of the Americans. This choice of words was intended to capture the attention of America’s friends (Dolbeare & Cummings 49-52). However, there is one line in the Declaration that gathers much controversy and debate. The usage of the line, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among them are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness†poses an intention that could have well been deeply thought to bring a diverse interpretation by the Americans, the British and possible allies who could assist the Americans in their quest for independence. This line consists of a group of principles pertaining to human rights that are naturally and rhetorically read and interpreted together. The principles brought out include: of equity; inalienability of the rights; examples of the rights; and an implication of the necessity that the government should secure these rights and the right of the people to abolish abusive governments (â€Å"Declaration of Independence†). It can be said that Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence wills not only the freedom but the establishment of an equal footing within the American soil once the colonial powers are put to rest. However, the sound and uplifting message of such line â€Å"†¦ that all men are created equal†¦Ã¢â‚¬ is, in one way, problematic up to this day.Â
Creativity and innovation management I'm witness Essay
Creativity and innovation management I'm witness - Essay Example r hand a large number of people believe in order to run a new business successfully the individual needs to have a highly creative mind that is capable of imagining without any boundaries. Amabile (2012) have mentioned that creativity defines a person’s ability to generate new ideas or concepts that can pertinently solve relevant problems and can offer competitive advantage to the orgazanitions. An employee with high creative intellect allows the firms to develop innovative product or services development and can also introduce new marketing strategies which have not been tried before. (Covin and Slevin, 1991) also added that in term of organizational success of a new firm, creativity is perhaps the biggest predicator. The increasing competiveness in the global business market has led the organizations to adopt first mover advantage so that they can offer products and services which have not yet been offered before and marketing or branding strategies that have not been tried before. This as a result allows the organizations to offer unique customer experiences thereby increasing their competitive advantage. Achieving competitive advantage is quite important fo r the new emerging business to overcome the barriers to entry created by the existing well established firms. Duxbury (2012) mentioned from a theoretical perspective that creative thinking can emerge depending on different types of characteristics of the personality of the individuals. The types of characteristics have been indentified which are responsible for the creating thinking are, intrinsic motivation, domain oriented skills and creativity oriented cognitive process. The intrinsic motivation allows an individual to pursue a particular venture for his own interest. This type of personality is critical to creative nature of an individual; it creates a strong sense of necessity within the individual, which forms the basis of the creative process. It allows the individual to stay persistent in tough
Henri Matisses Fauvism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Henri Matisses Fauvism - Research Paper Example The involvement of his mother in advising customers on the best colors in his father’s shop that sold house-paints is what made him develop some interest on color. Thus, it was from his mother that he developed the sense of color. This is also justified by her mother who was not only a skillful painter, but also a fashionable artist. Unfortunately, Matisse grew as an awkward youth who disregarded the rigors of the North. He despised winter seasons with passion. He was also a contemplative child though not very bright. Despite undergoing growth and development, Matisse never lost interest on nature; he still valued his native soil as well as growing things (Ferrier, 1996). Matisse worked as a court administrator in his hometown, Le Cateau-Cambresis, after gaining his qualification in Paris. Matisse discovered his real profession in a unique way. He started painting in 1889 when he was still recovering from appendicitis through the aid of his mother who brought him art supplies. It was also through his mother’s advice that Matisse decided to follow his emotions in pursuing his interest in the profession he loved. His mother had advised him to follow his own emotions instead of the rules of art. A year after his recovery appendicitis, 1891, Matisse returned to Paris to further his studies in art at Acadenie Julian. It was also in Bouguereau that he learnt essential lessons of classical painting. He also did many drawing exams so as to have a chance of joining Ecole des Beaux-Arts.
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