Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The True Meaning of As You like It Essay Topics
The True Meaning of As You like It Essay Topics Creative Essay writing is currently recognized among the most helpful activity for kids for their general personality development. There are a lot of Christmas essay topics that the students could possibly be a little confused and puzzled which one to select. English language classes usually call for a lot of writing. When it has to do with writing, you always have a chance to learn, and it is far better to learn from the very best of the very best. Very often it becomes tough to choose 1 topic either due to the many ideas in the student's head, or due to their complete absence. Write about a problem you have or wish to fix. Don't neglect to explain why the dilemma is significant to you! There are a lot of problems, even on your own campus, that have to be resolved. The Basics of as You like It Essay Topics Though, there are particular patterns that you are going to follow when you compose a descriptive essay. Be mindful of t he size it must be and begin writing the narrative essay outline. Needless to say, an important consideration to take into account when you are selecting your satire essay topics is to think about a subject that is in fact funny. It is possible to produce a more original bit of writing. If you opt to be a self-employed essay writer, you can expect the exact same. To compose an outstanding essay, it's crucial to use specific academic language. Don't panic if you are not able to get your descriptive essay right. An excellent argumentative essay is going to be based on established or new research in place of only on your ideas and feelings. You're able to hire essay writers to assist you with satire topics and be sure you do not miss your deadline. Great satire topics will take advantage of hyperbole. So, you've been assigned to compose a satire essay. Writing an excellent satire essay demands the usage of intelligent and vibrant humor. Ok, I Think I Understand As You like It Essay Topics, Now Tell Me About as You like It Essay Topics! Tell us a topic that you've changed your head on in the last three years. On-line assistance from expert writers will help you save you a plenty of time. Opt for a distinctive topic that others may not think of, and whatever you select, make certain you know a lot about it! Thus, don't rush and attempt to have some fun with the procedure to create decent satire topics that you could take pride in. As any other essay, philosophy work has its features and peculiarities that should be taken into consideration when you want to receive the top-notch excellent work. Choosing the appro priate topics might take a while in case you don't have a list of sample topics facing you. As a way to compose a brilliant academic paper in philosophy, you should earn a deep research and plunge into the subject. It's natural that should you lack the crucial knowledge on the chosen theme, you're unlikely to come up with a fantastic paper. What to Expect From as You like It Essay Topics? Your essay may concentrate on gender issues from different regions of the world such as women rights in the Middle East and so forth. Young writers may try simple on-line citation generators which are generally at no cost. On our site you'll find a whole lot more useful special information that will certainly be handy for junior and higher school kids from, like common home task essay about Hamlet, along with, for instance, application essays for college for future students. Luckily, you have our top-class group of writers who can assist students and teach them how to select the most suitabl e essay direction. You'll end up lost without having the capability to make an argument and develop it correctly. Topics like death and divorce are cautionary as they can be exceedingly tough to write about. At exactly the same time, it also needs to be simple to research, that way you'll discover evidence to support claims you make. Make certain you can support whatever you say with clear and concrete evidence, and your claims are going to be a whole lot stronger! The Fundamentals of as You like It Essay Topics Revealed Afterwards, the best action to do is to narrow the subject down according to the guidelines offered by your professor. You should research your topic to select three claims. Quite frequently, the ideal topic is one which you truly care about, but you also will need to get ready to research it. There are 20 topics below that could possibly be helpful for you. Look for the primary and secondary sources on the offered topics before you begin your very first draft. Categories, essay topics could be divided into. At times you might require some expert help with argumentative essay topics. As an example, a why us essay might chat about how very interesting XYZ interdisciplinary project is and the way it fits nicely with your senior project. Like every assignment, a descriptive essay has a particular intent. Every argumentative essay ought to have an opposing view which can help you to prove you're right. If you wish to create a descriptive essay about your own personal experience, it could be unusual and specific.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Golden Age Of Sports Essay - 700 Words
Destinee Holliday Ms. Biltz May 20, 2015 The Golden Age of Sports The 1920s was a great decade for the economy because of the popularity in sports. The number of fans increased, which created the need for new stadiums and raised the salary for sports stars. Sports in the 1920s went through many changes in the time period known as the Roaring Twenties. New heroes, new teams, and new leagues were emerging in sports. Some sports were just starting, some were broadening their horizons, while others were just becoming more popular. The media helped to make sports become more popular in the 1920s. Movie houses showed videos of sports contests, which helped create stars. Newspapers and magazines gave the sports reporter a new authority as the media brought information about athletes and athletics to large audiences. Radio broadcasts of college football and professional baseball began early in the 1920s. The media supplied news but also manufactured it and, in the process, created and satisfied an eager audience. The decade was the â€Å"Golden Age of Sports†. The 1920s were a starting foundation for football. The most popular league, the NFL, was formed in the 1920s. On August 20, 1920, the owner of four Ohio league teams met to form a new professional league. On September 17, the team met again, changing its name to APFA (American Professional Football Association). By 1923, the name was changed to the National Football League (NFL). The 20’s brought in new styles of plays, suchShow MoreRelatedEra of Heroes in the Golden Age of Sports1729 Words  | 7 PagesThe 1920’s was an era of role models and great heroes. This period was known as â€Å"The Golden Age†of sports. This was a time where Americans wanted to put the memory of the World War I in the past and appreciate life. It began with the Black Sox scandal of 1919 continuing with historic record breaking athletes. The introduction of radio made is easier for fans to follow their favorite teams. The economy of the United S tates was strong for most of the time. New and bigger stadiums were built and forRead MoreThe New Golden Age Of Television Essay1740 Words  | 7 PagesTheodore Brown Professor McCauley Intro to Humanities 16 November 2016 The New Golden Age of Television Television is so popular that it is almost a vital part of life to most people. According to the article â€Å"The Real Golden Age of Television†, the first successful demonstration of electronic television was introduced on September 7, 1927. (Handy William). It was designed by Philo Taylor Farnsworth. Charles Jenkins is also an important person to the creation of television because he created theRead MoreImpact Of Sports In The 1920s884 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The 1920s has been called the Golden Age of American Sports†(Sumner par 1). The roaring twenties had many sports icons and many sports upcomings. Some highlights of the Golden Age are from baseball, football, basketball, boxing, golf, and horse racing. All these sports were relevant and popular during the 20s. Sports has had an impact on society since the 1920s and still has an impact on society today through exciting sports and exciting players. In the 1920s sports started to change. The twentiesRead MoreThe Quality Of An Alcoholic Beverage Essay1224 Words  | 5 PagesIs the freshness and quality of an alcoholic beverage not the most important factor in actually buying it? Coors Golden Banquet made by Coors themselves is a new beer in their line of many such products. The Golden Banquet name entails that the beer is of high and prestigious quality. At the price of $2.49 per bottle and being widely available at gas stations, and stores like Walmart, it is very accessible to its consumers. However, this ad is not very effective, because it lacks any form of appealsRead MoreEssay about The Golden Age of Athens532 Words  | 3 PagesIn 400 B.C, The Athenian civilization experienced a golden age. The Athens experienced a great amount of peace and prosperity due to their contact and trade with others, and rare warring. During this time, ideas and philosophies were produced. These ideas influenced western civilizations in t he areas of politics, science, art and architecture. The Government of the Athenian people had a large impact on western civilizations. In document three, Pericles states his beliefs about democracy. PericlesRead MorePre Game Rituals : Who Is Everything Goes On Left First?871 Words  | 4 PagesNotable’s Name (with date of birth/death/homeland) : Christian Sinclair June 12, 1983 (age 31), Burnaby, Canada Starts: 195 Goals: 147 Background (public/private) Private: Siblings: Michael Sinclair University: University Of Portland (2005) Studies: biology Pre-game rituals: She listen to Michael Jackson, everything goes on left first Niece of Brian and Bruce Gant Bruce Gant played in the NASL(North American Soccer League) Brian Gant played in the Canadian international and NASL(North AmericanRead MoreGroup Identity Essay1171 Words  | 5 Pagesbelong. One of the strongest examples of this is through sports and its fans. People from all different walks of life come together and identify with a sports organization and what it stands for. For sports organizations, each individual team has its own different identity behind which fans are distinguished, new teams are able to create their own cultures whether its through an expansion team or a relocation, and personally, as a sports fan, losing your team can lead to you challenging and evenRead MoreThe Byzantine Empire is and Example of the Golden Age1670 Words  | 7 PagesWhen a civilization goes through a golden age, they are remembered for their marvelous achievements and extravagance. A golden age occurs when a society goes through a time of peace and harmony. Along with this, the society experiences economic prosperity, political stability, and a series of cultural achievements. The Byzantine Empire, which lasted from 330 A.D. to the mid 1400s, is an excellent example of a golden age. The Byzantine Empire became wealthy by being an economic center of the worldRead MoreAnalysis Of Floyd Mayweather s Life832 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"You hear certain things, negative things, all the time that aren t true, but you never hear about the positive,†This quote resembles Floyd Mayweather s life. His family really loves the sport of boxing, and Mayweather loved being in the gym with the gloves on his hands. The life of crime started to take over for Mayweather s parents. Mayweather’s talent inside the ring was amazing, and a great is what Mayweather turned into he shined in the ring. Mayweather proves to be one of the greatest withRead MoreThe Movie Air Bud 1427 Words  | 6 PagesThe past half-century has been the age of electronic mass media (Sachs, 441), there were so many impressive and good movies in thi s period, like superhero series. But I do not want to talk about guys can fly or shoot spider web, this paper’s protagonist is a golden retriever, named â€Å"Air Bud†. The â€Å"Air Bud†is a series American and Canadian comedy film started in 1997. The film Air Bud continues to elicit mixed reactions amongst its audiences from across the globe with some sections of the audiences
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Do Young People throughout the World All Strive to Attain the Ideal Body Image that the Media Portrays Free Essay Example, 2750 words
On the show, and there was a constant conversation on the Internet about her weight, how people were afraid that her partner would have a difficult time holding her. When they fell, it created more controversy. The message that this type of image in the media gives to young girls is that they must look a certain way in order to be successful. According to the Media Awareness Network (2010), one of the reasons that this thin image is so prevalent in the world is because it supports the cosmetic and diet markets. For many women, this means that they will purchase beauty products to look younger, and they will purchase wrinkle creams or other types of beauty products to stop them from looking older. Other women do not care about looking older because they expect to grow older gracefully. For many women who do not have a positive body image already, these ads make them feel as if they are doing something wrong. According to the National Association of Anorexia and Associated Disorders ( 2011), one in four female college students uses some form of unhealthy way to lose weight. We will write a custom essay sample on Do Young People throughout the World All Strive to Attain the Ideal Body Image that the Media Portrays or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Some of those rewards included: positive (nonromantic) social attention, romantic success, less pressure about their appearance from other people, and positive psychological impact. In each of the cases, these college students felt that their lives would change positively if they looked like the media s idea of beauty. An interesting idea from this study was that the women did not talk about the fact that these images presented stereotypes or the fact that the media presented a fantasy image that did not reflect real life.
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Development of the Internet and Social Networking and Its Impact on Society Free Essay Example, 2500 words
Media technology has had a huge impact on the lives of the people who use it, and these have become so dependent on it that they can no longer do without it. People no longer send their letters through the postal services and instead use email. Booking vacations can be done online and one does not have to go to a travel agent; shopping and research can all be done online without one having to go anywhere. The development of communication and other media has ensured the faster development of the economy because not only are things done at a much faster pace, there is also increased productivity. The development of new media technology has made it easier for businesses to manage their employees better as well as to keep proper inventories. It has also opened up space for employment to those people who are specialized in the running and creation of new media technology, hence reducing unemployment. It is, therefore, a fact that we are now completely dependent on the new media technolog y in our daily lives and it is most likely that this dependency will continue to increase (Paul 2003, p. 472). One of the prominent developments in the twentieth century was the development of cartoons on television; cartoons, especially those developed by Walt Disney, were of great influence on the children who were born in that era and this meant that it has a huge fan base ( Walt Disney 1995). We will write a custom essay sample on The Development of the Internet and Social Networking and Its Impact on Society or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Watching cartoons has been found to be extremely useful because it has the advantage of inspiring humor. This is especially beneficial if a person feels depressed and just wants to forget all their problems. Cartoons have a way of making one relieve all the pent-up emotions, which a person has been suppressing. The development of new technology for the making of cartoons has enabled people to continue being interested in them. It has ensured that children are still interested in them, thus cartoons are still among the most-watched items on television.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Character Analysis the Chrysanthemums - 1220 Words
Amanda Garcia Mrs. Christopher Engl. 1302 April 15, 2013 Paper 1 Character Analysis â€Å"The Chrysanthemums†by John Steinbeck John Steinbeck was born in 1902 and lived during what is said to be the most troubled time in American history. Steinbeck was alive during the Dust Bowl paired with the Great Depression, which is believed to be the reason for his almost melancholiac tone in some of his works but he seemed a very diverse writer. Along with â€Å"The Chrysanthemums†, Steinbeck is the author of the well-known and famous novel turned movie The Grapes of Wrath, where he used a â€Å"documentary style†, says Cliff Lewis in his online article he named after Steinbeck. Moreover in his article, Lewis expresses some of the lingering secrets and†¦show more content†¦This con-artist is a master manipulator who took what he could and never intended on taking a second glance at this poor, unsuspecting, desperate housewife. The passion that the peddler had for making money is equal to that of Elisa’s intensity for her flowers, and for a point, this man, the mysteriously dangerous, tornado of a man, the begging pot repairman. Finally, the main attraction, Mrs. Elisa Allen, the thirty-five year old woman who seemed as if she was a lot stronger than she truly was. Really she was denying the fact that she was longing for attention, a passionate woman, who might have not been meant for the life she feels so trapped in. She channeled her aggression and love to her beautiful, carefully taken care of garden of chrysanthemums and sadly, for a moment the man who took advantage of her vulnerability. Elisa, being childless, grew and nurtured the flowers as a part of her, becoming one with the earth beneath her fingertips and creating life. An example of her expressing her careful meticulous planting system is a glimpse of the passion she had for her â€Å"work†. The point where the salesperson begins working his magic on her she nearly swoons, when speaking of her beloved precious chrysanthemums, â€Å"Oh beautiful. †her eyes shone†(5). Not only does she show passion for her plants, the reader begins to feel the energy be concentrated completely to the repairman. This woman almost gets fullyShow MoreRelatedEssay on Character Analysis of Elisa Allen in The Chrysanthemums747 Words  | 3 PagesCharacter Analysis of Elisa Allen in The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck The Chrysanthemums, written by John Steinbeck, captures one day in the life of a woman who yearns for a more fulfilling life. Elisa is first portrayed as a woman whose tasks are exceeded by her abilities. As the day continues, a stranger briefly enters her life and, through manipulative words, fills her heart with hopes of change and excitement. We learn that these newly-found hopes are crushed when Elisa eventuallyRead More Character Analysis of Elisa Allen in The Chrysanthemums by Steinbeck1262 Words  | 6 PagesSteinbecks short story, The Chrysanthemums, feel Elisas flowers represent her repressed sexuality, and her anger and resentment towards men. Some even push the symbolism of the flowers, and Elisas masculine actions, to suggest she is unable to establish a true relationship between herself and another. Her masculine traits and her chrysanthemums are enough to fulfill her entirely. This essay will discuss an opposing viewpoint. Instead, it will argue that Elisas c hrysanthemums, and her masculine qualitiesRead MoreEssay on Analysis of The Chrysanthemums1139 Words  | 5 PagesAnalysis of The Chrysanthemums The short story The Chrysanthemums gives insight into the life of its author. John Steinbeck was born on February 27, 1902, in Salinas, California. The locale of the story is of key resemblance to the Salinas in which Steinbeck was born and bread. Salinas was a typical American small town, [differing] only in location and a few distinctive features (McCarthy 3). The protagonist of this story, Elisa Allen, also resembles Steinbecks first wife. SteinbeckRead MoreLiterary Analysis the Chrysanthemums1128 Words  | 5 PagesName Professor Course Date: Chrysanthemums: Literary Criticism At the turn of the 20th century, women were considered inferior to men: they were only required to stay at home, take care of households and children. â€Å"The Chrysanthemums†, as told by John Steinbeck, is a story of a woman during that period who tries to change the course of her destiny. In this story, the two-fold issues of femininity and symbolism play a critical part in explaining this helplessness. Steinbeck uses the narrativeRead More The Chrysanthemums Essay1649 Words  | 7 PagesJohn Steinbeck’s, The Chrysanthemums, was published in 1938 in a book of short stories, entitled The Long Valley. The Chrysanthemums has been a rather powerful draw for scholars because of its wide gap for interpretations and analysis of its main protagonist character, Elisa Allen and also the unique descriptions used to portray the deeper meaning behind the setting of the story. Themes of sexuality, oppression of women, as well as other numerous types of conflict portrayed in th is rather somberRead MoreThe Chrysanthemums By John Steinbeck982 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The Chrysanthemums†is a short story written by John Steinbeck. The story was originally published in 1937 before later being released as a part of his The Long Valley collection. This is an important story as it expresses women in a way that is more realistic, showing their true boredom, ambition, and capabilities. Some scholars interpreted this story differently, but C. Kenneth Pellow interprets it as â€Å"radically feministic.†The Great Depression was finally ending and women’s rights were risingRead MoreEssay on Symbolism in The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck1179 Words  | 5 PagesSymbolism in The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck A symbol is an act, person, thing, or spectacle that stands for something else, by association a usually broader idea in addition to its own literal meaning (Cassill Bausch, 1728). John Steinbecks The Chrysanthemums may seem as a story describing a simple day with the Allen couple. It begins with Elisa Allen working in her garden and her husband, Henry Allen, negotiating with two suited business men that want to purchase steers. TheyRead MoreProposal969 Words  | 4 PagesCharacter Analysis: Elisa Allen John Steinbeck has a very engaging mind. He not only makes people think when they read his work; he makes them think through a number of scenarios with his tales. I believe that looking at this story, you sense this woman, Elisa Allen, is a woman who is very unhappy with her life. The only satisfaction Elisa gets out of life is being in her garden with her family of chrysanthemums. Elisa is very unsettled with her life as a whole. She does not like being stuckRead MoreAnalysis Of The Story The Story Of An Hour Essay1554 Words  | 7 PagesENC1102 T/R 5:40PM TO 9:00PM WOLFSON CAMP ANALYSIS OF FEMALE CHARACTERS IN â€Å"THE STORY OF AN HOUR†â€Å"HILLS LIKE WHITE ELEPHANTS†AND â€Å"THE CHRYSANTHEMUMS†JUAN FELIX CASTILLO BATISTA PROFESOR JOSEPH FALLAD This essay is an attempt to describe the females’ characters between three of the most powerful short stories I ever read. My goal is to describe and compare three different women, in theirRead MoreJohn Steinbeck2062 Words  | 9 Pageswrites short stories like â€Å"The Chrysanthemums†and â€Å"Flight†. In Steinbeck’s â€Å"The Chrysthemums†Elisa Allen is married to a negligent ranch owner. While her husband works on the ranch, Elisa tends to her chrysanthemum garden daily. One day while tending to her garden, a charming tinker man pulls up to her in his wagon and tries to make a business transaction with her. Seeing that she is not interested, the tinker strikes up a conversation with Elisa about her chrysanthemums. In the end, the tinker takes
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Compare and Contrast the ways in which Christina Rossetti...
Compare and Contrast the ways in which Christina Rossetti communicates her attitudes towards death in â€Å"Song†and â€Å"Remember†________________________________________________________________ In both â€Å"Song†and â€Å"Remember†, Rossetti conveys her own attitudes towards death through writing about how others should treat her death and how she wants to be remembered, respectively. She addresses important ideas as well as using word choice and the metrical template to paint a clear picture of her perceptions of death. As a poet, Rossetti uses her choice and form of words as a way of conveying her initial feelings towards death. In â€Å"Song†the tone is immediately set by the ingenuous and candid first line, â€Å"When I am dead my dearest†. It†¦show more content†¦However, it could be interpreted that here, Rossetti is again playing with the idea of guilt, and that she puts on this apathy in order to leave her partner in limbo to whether to forget or remember her. Perhaps this is her ploy to make him feel the guilt of trying to control her and through doing so, he will realise his wrongs, and thus been controlled by her, which you could argue as being her object, as the ultimate form of revenge. Rossetti also addresses the idea of religion in both â€Å"Song†and â€Å"Remember†which broadens her portrayal of her attitudes towards death. In â€Å"Song†, as already discussed, Rossetti rejects convention in her pragmatic approach to death, but also consciously rebuffs the traditional religious views of the time. There is no sense of celestial bliss or heaven in her mention of what death will be like, with no mention of a desire for a ceremony. She deliberately talks of her partner being â€Å"the green grass above me†, which shows that she has no belief of her dead body ascending into a divine afterlife, but rather staying firmly buried under the ground. Rossetti thus rejects the Pre-Raphaelites’ Anglican moral influences by her subversive reference to the afterlife. She writes of how she will be â€Å"dreaming through the twilight†, and given our
Walt Disney Parks and Resorts - 3667 Words
Contents Executive Summary 3 Introduction 3 Candidate City Background 4 Istanbul - Turkey 4 Barcelona – Spain 5 Kuala-Lumpur – Malaysia 6 Disney selection criteria 6 KT decision analysis ( In Appendences) 7 Situational analysis 8 Dunker diagram (In Appendences) 9 Business, Disney and Culture 10 Disney and Success 11 Recommendation 12 Conclusion 13 References 14 Appendences 15 Mind Map 15 KT Decision Calculations 17 Dunker Diagram 18 Executive Summary Attached is a report that compares the three candidate cities that we as a group chose to host a new Disney theme park (Expansion). The cities that we selected are Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia, Barcelona – Spain and Istanbul – Turkey. In this report there†¦show more content†¦In addition the Barcelona football club gave the city a large number of tourists each year because of their spectacular football games. Ranked the 14 most livable cities in the world Barcelona is unevenly disturbed where large amounts of people are crowded in one area. Tourists like to go to Barcelona because of all the amazing sites they have and it is the 16 most visited cities in the world by tourists. The country’s natural resources are coal, lignite, iron ore, copper, lead, zinc, uranium, tungsten, mercury, pyrites, magnesite, fluorspar, gypsum, sepiolite, kaolin which keeps the city afloat with its resources. KGB Answers (2012) Kuala-Lumpur – Malaysia Kuala-Lumpur is the federal Capital of Malaysia, with a population of around 9 million people. It is the cultural and economical centre of Malaysia, which is located on the central west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Also it is known for the tallest twin buildings in the world. English is the most spoken language, and the dominant religion is Muslim occupying 52% of the population. Voyyage99 (2012) The climate is hot and humid most of the time and the residents have an annual slash and burn where they burn the crops which make the capital fill up with smoke and haze. World Travels (2012) The GDP for the city in 2008 was RM73, 536 million and a yearly average growth rate of 5.9percent. The capital is also known for its wideShow MoreRelatedWalt Disney Parks And Resorts Essay1046 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Walt Disney Parks and Resorts is a premier enterprise operating out of Florida. This organization started back in 1971 by founders Walt and Roy Disney. Walt Disney Parks and Resorts is the most visited theme park in the world. Over 50 million people visit these parks and resorts year round. The organization is not only known for the services they provide, but the economic impact and the programs offered to their employees. This writing assignment, I will elaborate on how this companyRead MoreWalt Disney Parks and Resorts3974 Words  | 16 Pageshttp://www.blurtit.com/q200168.html http://www.blurtit.com/q200168.html Disney Theme Park to India Disney Theme Park to India Abstract: This report is aim to analyze profitable adventure of The Walt Disney Company to set up Disneyland theme park in India. As one of main emerging markets in Asia, India might be the next destination for The Walt Disney Company to target on. Therefore, this report uses a series of marketing tools to demonstrate the macro-environment and micro-environmentRead MoreWalt Disney Parks and Resorts4564 Words  | 19 PagesExecutive Summary Walt Disney is an international company founded in 1923 by brothers Roy and Walt Disney. The corporate headquarters and primary production facilities are located at The Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, California, the area where Disney was initially created. Today Disney is one of the largest and most reputable companies in the film and entertainment industry earning $43 billion in revenues in 2007. Walt Disney Company earns revenues in four strategic areas including consumer productsRead MoreWalt Disney Parks and Resorts1956 Words  | 8 PagesWalt Disney Co. faced the challenge of building a theme park in Europe. Disney s mode of entry in Japan had been licensing. However, the firm chose direct investment in its European theme park, owning 49% with the remaining 51% held publicly. Besides the mode of entry, another important element in Disney s decision was exactly where in Europe to locate. There are many factors in the site selection decision, and a company carefully must define and evaluate the criteria for choosing a location.Read MoreWalt Disney Parks and Resorts4079 Words  | 17 Pagesin the World is Disney? | Disney Theme Park New Destination | Contents 1. Executive Summary 4 Introduction 5 2. Business, Disney and Culture 5 2.1 Importance of culture for Business 5 2.2 Importance of culture for Disney expansion 6 2.3 Cultural considerations for Malasiya 6 2.4 Recommendations: 7 3. Candidate City Background: 8 3.1 Candidate cities for Disney expansion: 8 3.1.1 Sharm Elsheik 8 3.1.2 Kuala Lumpur 8 3.1.3 Johannesburg 9 4. Disney Selection criteriaRead MoreWalt Disney Parks Resorts Management Strategy Essay1454 Words  | 6 PagesWalt Disney Parks and Resorts Management Strategy amp; Policy For my final paper I chose to discuss The Walt Disney Company. Since the Company is so large and made up of four primary business segments, I decided to focus on one particular segment: Parks and Resorts. This segment is composed of the theme parks, cruise-line, and vacation club resorts. The Walt Disney Company Parks and Resorts strive to be the leader in innovative and creative family entertainment in the world. The mission ofRead MoreGeneral Definitions. Before Going Into The Background Of1504 Words  | 7 PagesDefinitions Before going into the background of the Walt Disney Company and its theme parks, it is necessary to define some terms that are used throughout the paper. These terms are defined as the researcher understands them as a former cast member of the Walt Disney Company. The first term that needs to be defined is â€Å"guest†. Instead of calling people who visit their theme parks customers, the Walt Disney Company refers to visitors of their theme parks as guests. This is to keep up with the show andRead MoreDisney : Disney s Strongest Presence1007 Words  | 5 PagesDisney Offices/Locations Disney’s strongest presence is in the United States. However, with operations in more than 40 countries, approximately 166,000 employees and cast members around the world, Disney sets the standard for the future of entertainment. Whether it s Disney or Marvel, ESPN or PIXAR – in China or the United States, India or Argentina, Russia or the United Kingdom, the people of The Walt Disney Company create content and experiences in ways that are relevant to the many culturesRead MoreWalt Disneys The Disney Company1586 Words  | 7 PagesCompany in Brief The Walt Disney Company all began when Walt Disney made his way to California with his â€Å"pilot†film of Alice’s Wonderland to sell â€Å"Alice Comedies†to a distributor. He was contracted to distribute â€Å"Alice Comedies†on October 16,1923 which is the beginning of the â€Å"Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio†which later became the Disney Company. For the first couple of decades the Disney Company was only geared toward one business segment, studio entertainment. Walt had the desire to branchRead MoreErm Research Report On Walt Disney Company Essay1585 Words  | 7 PagesThe Walt Disney Company â€Æ' ERM Research report – The Walt Disney Company I. COMPANY BACKGROUND The mission of The Walt Disney Company is to be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information. Using our portfolio of brands to differentiate our content, services and consumer products, we seek to develop the most creative, innovative and profitable entertainment experiences and related products in the world. According to the â€Å"2015-Annual-Report†of the Walt Disney
Hunting Laws and Regulations Free Essays
I’ve never really paid attention to who makes the laws for hunting to be honest I’ve only just followed thern The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission Is a citizen board, chosen by the Governor, which sets regulations and policies for Colorado’s state parks and wildlife programs The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Is who enforces the laws that the commission makes, there job s to protect, preserve, enhance, and anage wildlife for the use of the people of this state. There are several types of hunting allowed In Colorado such as Archery, Rifles, Muzzle loading, shot gun. And lust about every type of mammal can be hunted In regulauon elk, mule deer, black bear, mcvuntaln lion, antelope, bighorn ; Desert Bighorn, moose, mountain goat and whitetail deer, bobcat, fox, coyote, and badger. We will write a custom essay sample on Hunting Laws and Regulations or any similar topic only for you Order Now There Is also birds such as Partridge, dove, grouse, quall, chucker, turkey, duck, geese, ptarmigan, snipe, and many other irds dont feel Ilke naming. GRANGER LAWS at https://donemyessay.com/ch-16-apush/ I understand why some people are against hunting, I And some people only see the stereotype a think It’s just a bunch ot banjo strlnglng rednecks going Rambo on Bambi’s mom. But there are several laws and regulations keeping all hunting sate and even necessary to keep species size under control. have hunted all my lite. and lwe learned most ot my lite lessons sitting on the cold ground with a 30. 6 in my hands waiting tor an elk to pass by. So hunting is a part ot me. my family doesnt hunt to just kill an animal, every piece of meat we eat is either a cow from our pasture or elk we killed during hunting season. That is the meat we eat all year, so even though I know why we hunt and why it’s not bad understand why some people think it might be barbaric. I’m also not saying that some people don’t disrespect the right to hunt and kill anything they see, Just like ant-hunters think. How to cite Hunting Laws and Regulations, Papers
Visual Analysis free essay sample
I have chosen to make an analysis of gender regarding a particular advertisement for Newport-pleasure Cigarettes found in Entertainment Weekly issued September 3, 2010. The ad depicts two persons, a man and a woman, on date at a bar. They are playing darts and are clearly enjoying themselves. The ad targets an audience of men and women roughly at the age of 18-30. The main significance of this ad is to show the audience three things: that smoking can help you have a good time, that it can make men look more attractive, and that if you smoke it is an easy and almost effortless way to become a focus for women all around you. The ad uses common themes and labels that are unoriginal and also extremely fabricated. Target Audience This ad aims to target men and women. However, the ad focuses on targeting men looking to find ways to â€Å"pleasure†women. When men think of the word â€Å"pleasure†, they think of one thing and one thing only, but I wont get into details. The ad insinuates that male gene is only after finding mates of the opposite sex. These days, plenty of guys are getting drunk almost every night, prowling for women with whom they can â€Å"hook up†(Kimmel, 54). The writer of this ad could narrow the target audience down even more if the man in the scene were smoking a Newport-pleasure cigarette. Props are also very important in this advertisement. The woman is holding a dart as they play the game and they are both wearing nice clothes, implying that only men and women who are very successful people smoke cigarettes Newport-pleasure cigarettes. â€Å"When one thing is so dominant, then its no longer a choice†(Orenstein, 60). The scenario also adds to how the advertisement labels the male gender to being only after scoring women. Scenario The advertisement for Newport-pleasure illustrates an ideal situation that is very relatable for both single men and women. The couple are both laughing and having a high-quality time with each other. In my opinion, these two lovebirds are on there first or second date. Although I feel the more targeted audience is men, the main focus in this advertisement is the girl. She is obviously attractive and seems to have a great personality. The more appropriate description would be, â€Å"socially acceptable.†The gentleman in the picture is somewhat blurred and the only clear-quality object is the lady, implying that the male gender has only one thing on their which is women and only women. She is falling for this man a little bit more every second. This entails that women are turned on by men who smoke cigarettes. The ad urges that because this man smokes Newport-pleasure cigarettes he has that much more of an edge in seducing this woman. As the kids would say, â€Å"that guy is cool!†and it’s all because he smokes. What are they trying to prove? As I stated earlier in my analysis the ad illustrates three main stereotypes and clichà ©s used in selling Newport-pleasure cigarettes, the first being that smoking can enhance your ability to have a good time. The two middle-aged adults in the photograph are smiling ear-to-ear and loving every second that passes by. Unfortunately that is not the case at all. Smoking can dampen the mood for a lot surrounding peers with its awful smell and stuffy aroma in targeting women to have smoke being a main aphrodisiac. The next pigeonhole presented is that smoking can make you look more attractive. Studies show that the majority of men and women find smoking cigarettes unattractive with the opposite sex, but this ad pushes the other extreme. It gives rise to the female gender being appealed to stained teeth, bad breath, and a dry mouth. I’m not sure what the girl in this add is thinking but if were in that situation I wouldn’t kiss a mouth like that! The third and final stereotype is that if you smoke it is an easy and almost effortless way to become a focus for someone of the opposite sex. This advertisement is showing that the woman in this picture is showing interest in this man, as well as desire and curiosity. On the contrary, in reality they would take one look at that mouth full of smoke and say, â€Å"next!†Conclusion This Newport-pleasure advertisement exploits the number one cardinal rule in marketing today: sex sells. It targets young men and women of our country into thinking they can score any â€Å"hot babe†or any â€Å"sexy man†they so desire. The ad presents one couple that is out on date, having a blast, laughing and conversing, and it’s all because they smoke cigarettes (at least that’s what it implies). Newport-pleasure marks the gender of women for falling head over heels for men who smoke, which is certainly not always the case. Also, it marks men for being ignorant that they might think that smoking can actually get them to the top of their game. Even though the Newport-pleasure ad is unrealistic and illogical it is still quite imaginative. If it were that easy for me to impress the ladies I’d be smoking five packs a day of the sex-reeling, persona boosting Newport-pleasure Cigarettes. Works Cited Kimmel, Michael. â€Å"Men Will Be Boys.†The New York Post. 7 Sept. 2008. Rpt. In Writing Communites Identities. Ed. Cynthia Debes et al. 6th ed. Plymouth, MI: Hayden- Mcneil Publishing, 2009. 53-55. Orenstein, Peggy. â€Å"What’s Wrong with Cinderella?†The New York Times Magazine. 4 Dec. 2006. Rpt. in Writing Communities and Identities. Ed. Cynthia Debes et al. 6th ed. Plymouth, MI: Hayden-McNeil Publishing, 2009, 56-64.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Effect of Colors on the Brain and on Emotions free essay sample
Colors are an intimate facet of our everyday lives and exist in everything that we see. Colors and emotions have a strong relationship between them. It is widely recognized that colors have also a strong impact on our emotions and feelings (Hemphill, 1996; Lang, 1993; Mahnke, 1996). The color red has been associated with excitement, strength, sex, passion, speed, and danger. White has been associated with pure, virginal, clean, youthful, and mild. Blue that is most popular color has been associated with trust, reliability, belonging, and coolness. Black is allied with sophistication, elegant, seductive, mystery, and sexual. And Pink is allied with soft, sweet, nurture, and security. Colors are linked with many different emotions. All colors have positive and negative impression connected with it. It has been tested and proven that colors have different alpha rate associated with it. The purpose of the study was to see if the brain responses differently while looking at different colors and to see if there were any connections between color and emotions. Methods Participants The data for this study was gathered by a total of 11 participants from Cognitive Neuroscience Lab class (4 male and 7 female) at the University Center, Lake County Campus. Among those participants included one professor and the other ten consisted of undergraduate students from psychology department at Northeastern Illinois University. All the participants tested had no sort of color deficiency. Stimuli Series of six questions were prepared for the experiment consisting of two parts: the first part included power-point with the five different colors playing each for 20 seconds followed by the questionnaire. The series of questions asked the participants about their emotional stage while looking at the colors. Five random colors were chosen based on cultural reference for America. The colors consisted of red, white, blue, black and pink. The color samples were prepared using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 software. Procedure For this study, participants were tested individually in a classroom designed as a computer lab. Each participant was seated front of a desktop computer. The monitor displayed each color illustration full screened one at a time which lasted 20 seconds each. Participants were told to look for a smiley face while looking at colors to keep them focused on the screen. Each participant was observed under the NeuroSky Mindset EEG while viewing the colors to record their brain activity. The order of color illustration was same for all the participants. After each participant was done looking at the colors; they were asked a series of questions related to emotions. Participants were asked, â€Å"What emotional response do you associate with (name of color)? and What color attracted you more? These questions were modified from Boyatizis and Varghese (1994) and Hemphill (1996). Only one response was permitted for each question. The answers were recorded on an observation sheet. Each observation lasted about 5 minutes each. Results Data for this study was analyzed using Microsoft Excel. The median and mean was conducted to get the different alpha amplitude. There were a total of seven different responses for answers to choose from for the emotion section of the questionnaire and five different colors to choose from for the response to what color attracted the participant more. Some of the questions had the same meaning (e. g. , calm, angry) and some had different meaning such as (honest, stable). Based on the results; red had the highest amplitude which means that participants were calm while watching the color red. Pink had the lowest amplitude which means that participants were excited or stressed while watching the color pink. The average mean ranged from 29. 3 11. 6. Even though red is considered an excited color; the EEG showed that participants were more calm or relaxed while observing red. Pink is considered a soft and sweet color but the EEG showed that participants were stressed and excited while observing pink. One-tailed t-test was used to analyze the data for significance. There was significance between all colors except when we compared red vs. white and white vs. black. The p-value for red and white was 0. 1, for white and blue p-value was 0. 02, between blue and black p-value was . 14, and p-value between black and pink was 0. 03. These results show that there was significance difference in alpha. The different amplitude showed the different alpha rate. Nine out of eleven participants chose pink as most excited color and six out of eleven chose pink as their favorite color. This shows a correlation between brain activity and emotions. The EEG showed pink as the most stressed or excited color and the participants chose pink as more excited as the answer to one of the question for experiment. Discussion The main aim for this study was to examine color-brain activity allied with emotions among random sample from undergraduate students and professor. The present study consisted of five different colors including red, white, blue, black and pink. A headset from NeuroSky Mindset, desktop computer and a questionnaire. Overall, 54. 4% participants said that pink was their favorite color and 81. 8% of participants said that they felt excited when they say the color pink. 18% of participants said they were attracted to the color red and the rest of 27% was distributed equally among the color white, blue and black. The results concluded that there was a significant different among all the colors except for red vs. white and black vs. hite. A total of six participants said that they felt danger when they saw red but the EEG results showed the opposite concluding that they were more relaxed. A total of six participants said they felt calm while looking at white and seven said they were calm while looking at blue color. Almost all for except one said they felt serious while seeing the color black. For future studies, I would have the participants write their emotional response right after they see the color and have them decide what response they feel instead of having them to choose one of the answers given.
Information Technology Tools in Business-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Role of Information Technology in Enabling Open Innovation. Answer: Introduction In the present dynamic and continuously changing business environment, it is necessary for the organisations to continuously evolve and innovate in order to sustain, survive and thrive in the long run. Open innovation is a relatively new field of study which encourages the organisations to innovatively collaborate with their external stakeholders which includes their customers, suppliers etc. to contribute to the development of the organisation by supplying ideas and methods to innovate. In order to implement open innovation in the organisations, a number of mechanisms have been developed and proposed in the past, and are also being developed continuously. The most common and widely practiced approach to open innovation as suggested by Gassmann and Enkel is the one involving the outside in and inside out flow of knowledge (Gassmann Enkel, 2004). The outside in flow of knowledge and innovation takes place when the ideas come from the external partners towards the decision makers of t he organisation, encouraging them to innovate and experiment with different approaches. An example of this approach is increasing customer focus of the organisation. On the other hand, the inside out flow of knowledge for open innovation of an organisation is said to be practiced when the external partners of the organisation accelerate the commercialization of innovative ideas related to the firm, and help in their realization. An example of Inside Out flow of knowledge can be the organizations selling their intellectual property (Desouza, 2007). This research report is written with an intent to explore and analyze the role of information technology and study how it acts as an enabler of open innovation. It has been seen in the past few years that there is a tremendous increase in growth towards innovation or general knowledge to maximize the advantage of not just innovation, but also the strategies that can help the organizations in examining the practice of open innovation (Huizi ngh, 2011). Therefore, there is a need of implementation of open innovation in the organizations today. Innovation is considered as an important approach to analyze the competitive power in the long term in this unstable economy and the business environment. Nowadays, organizations are suggested to take an open approach to work with their evolution process and assist them to collaborate with their partners, consumers, retailers or other individuals that can provide innovative ideas. This approach is called the open innovation, which is gaining a lot of support by organizations all around the world. Open innovation is a new form of innovation that is making the firms carry out and assessment of their leadership positions (Lam, 2004). This approach helps in the reflection of the productivity and profitability of the organisation, as well as their performance with the strategies. Adopting an open approach to innovation has helped the organisations in reviewing their business strategies and models, in order to embrace the non traditional and innovative ideas and approaches to business operations. Major corporations like IBM, GE, Boeing, and Proctor Gamble have integrated online crowdsourcing platforms as part of their open innovation programs. Likewise, the open source software movement is also often viewed as a role model for open innovation (Whelan, et al., 2009). While some of these experiments and approaches may struggle by challenging the current views of the workplaces on strategy, the same could also contribute towards the success of these approaches (Carmen Jose, 2008). Related work Information technology in general has been observed to contribute significantly towards the adoption of open innovative practices by the organisations. There are a number of finer levels of information technology practices, which when studied specifically, can help in gaining a better understanding of the complexities of this contribution and the capabilities of these technologies in enhancing the organisational performance and productivity. This section of the report comprises of a brief description of some of the relevant researches that have been conducted in the area of information technology and its role in the promotion of open innovation in the organisations. This section also highlights the work or studies completed by the experts in their respective fields, related to the topic of the research report. Open innovation is a term coined by Henry Chesbrough which implies to a concept that advocates in favour of the organisations, to work towards the exploitation of the inflow an d outflow of knowledge, in order to accelerate the internal innovation within the organisation and also expand and promote the use of innovation in the external areas. This is a by product of the world becoming increasingly boundary free due to advancement in technology and information systems (Chesbrough, 2003). Schumpeter has differentiated between innovation, which involves the introduction of new products, methods or forms of industrial organization, and invention, which is the discovery of technical knowledge which is new to the industry and finding its practical applications (Schumpeter, 2009). Information technology is divided into various smaller modules that help in studying the role of IT in enabling open innovation. These smaller modules will help in improving the understanding of IT in open innovation by providing extracted level of analysis. Also, these different modules of IT may cancel out functionalities or features of each other and thus, do not impact much on the p rocesses of open innovation. According to the study, the role of IT in open innovation made by these smaller modules are considered as of much importance. The previous studies stated that these final modules help us in analyzing the association between the IT and the innovation (Steiber, 2012). These modules also provide the explanation of the role played by the smaller module of IT in enabling open innovation by forming a strategy towards innovation. The implementation of new and remarkably important study which describes the product and services or a new method in bringing the best practices in business or workplace organization developing external relations are there factors of innovation. The organizations try to improve their marketplace and have developed ways that are beneficial for their operations in terms of monetary and financial actions. However, it has been observed that there is no specific strategy that can help any organization to make it successful in each and every case. The suggestions provided to the organizations with the help of partners, people, consumers, retailers, suppliers etc is known as open up innovation process. Many organizations prefer to use open innovation strategy to build business Alliance with other organizations (Razavi Attarnezhad, 2013). The innovation is also considered to have happened if it is implemented by the organization. A creation is a very immediate or direct concept of open innovation to increase the chances of innovation. Many companies or organizations moving or changing their strategies toward open innovation approach so as to enhance their chances of innovation. This can be better explained by an example which says that many organizations have created the web pages or websites which help the target visitors or customers to submit their views or ideas who visit their website for some information. In addition to this, the customer online communities like blogs, forums, and clubs are the sources for retriev ing the creative ideas from the potential clients that can bring into perfection the organization innovation process. On using an open innovative approach, organizations canevaluate their output or results to find out whether their output and the efficiency of the organization increases, decreases or remains constant or static with respect to their present situations. Open Innovative literature consist of search conflicting results related to the effectiveness of the approach. These conflicting results have also been explained by many organizations. Financial benefits, number of revolutions, and change of innovations measures and forms a creative idea to evaluate the impact of various open innovation practices implemented to improve the performance. To accelerate the internal open innovation for inflow of knowledge, which is the first process or inbound open innovation and the expansion of the market for the external use of open innovation is called outbound process. Inbound open in novation and outbound open innovation are compatible with the scanning of latest technologies while integrating the customers retailers. External knowledge and practice of bringing the new and latest ideas to the market for selling different packages are made with the help of outside in and inside out respectively (Azar Ciabuschi, 2017). There are different processes with the help of which the applications of IT help in the open innovation processes. First part of these processes is known as knowledge management which helps in improving the capability to search and improve the data management the data mining techniques. This also helps in analyzing the knowledge from existing databases by connecting knowledge connection or network. The second one is known as the innovation production which helps in identifying the opportunity to develop the concept and designing innovation (Carlsson Session, 2017). The third one is called external innovation partnership which has been creating the bonds for exchanging the information with different organizations or partners and developing the relationship between organization and other service providers. Based on the absorption capacity theory there are three processes or mechanism which helps in introducing the IT enabled knowledge capabilities that helps in achieving innovation. T hese are described as: IT enabled potential absorptive capacity IT enabled realized absorptive capacity, and IT enabled social integration capacity. Based upon this segregation and on the motivational condition described in the research paper, this study helps us in identifying the role of IT enabled capabilities that helps in the promotion of open innovation. Therefore, there is a continued sequence that is not perceptibly different from each other with respect to inbound and open innovation approaches. The organizations which are using the inbound open innovation might buy the technological resolutions. For the innovation and to support and integrate the user defined ideas which are collected from the end users using the resources like websites, blogs, forms, etc. These are the general strategy used by the organizations as an inbound open innovation which is called innovation figures. So, there are also innovation providers which help the organization to send the products to the sellers. The study of approaches towards innovation like, open innovation, can help us understand the role of IT in an open innovation. While the open approach to innovation is growing in its popularity, there is a lack of detailed literature and empirical studies on this topic that will help in quantifying the impact that this may have on the organizational performance and profitability. That being studied, this research describes the gap to get the detailed understanding of the role of IT in enabling an open innovation from different perspectives. In the information technology literature, there is a concept of open source software which is a best example for the open innovation, which requires special attention. It has observed in the study by William R. King on Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning that there are three approaches which can be used by the organization for the innovation process (Knig, 2009). The first one is the knowledge management which helps in improving the c apability of the user to search and implement various data mining techniques so as to generate valuable information from the existing database. The second one is the innovation production which helps in identifying the opportunities, development of concepts, and designing innovations. The third one is the external intervention collaboration which helps in building the business line organized with the external market. A number of organisations belonging to different industries are strategizing and continuously and innovating their approaches to embrace the volatility and the continuous change within the business environment. A few examples of these are observed in the form of platforms like Lego ideas which is a Japanese subsidiary of The Lego group that allows people to suggest ideas for the development of Lego (Starbucks, 2017). A poll is then conducted, in which the ideas receiving maximum support are developed and the person contributing to the same is rewarded. Another such init iative isstarted by Starbucks by creating a website through which anyone is allowed to submit their unique and innovative business ideas related to the coffee products, customer service, customer experience and the organizational involvement in the society to Starbucks.Dell Idea Storm was another innovative practice launched by Dell in February 2007. With the help of their website, they allow people to add articles and promote or demote them to help the organisation in estimating and understanding the ideas that the people consider relevant or important (LEGO Group, 2017). Preliminaries Open Innovation and its adoption has gained momentum in practice as well as theory over the last decade. This section of the research report comprises of the preliminary information related to the research, by defining the theoretical constructs related to open innovation, as well as an explanation of the basic concepts related to it. This also covers the boundary conditions required for the implementation of open innovation in the organisations, and the motivation that the organisations get behind it (Stowe Grider, 2014). This research report deals with the identification and exploration of the role that information technology plays in enabling open innovation in the work places and the organisations. Some of the basic concepts and definitions that need to be understood to study the implications of the same are compiled in this section (Koen, 2008). Innovation The organization for Economic Co-operation and Development has defined innovation as the practice of implementation of a product, process, marketing method or the organisational method which is new and significantly improved, in the business organisation and practice. If an organisation commercializes an idea related to a business product, service or the business process, they are said to have innovated in their business practice (Schmidt Rammer, 2006). The gathering or creation of knowledge that is abstract or the mere invention of a new product or business process cannot be considered innovation until the same is transformed in the organisation into operating procedures or tools that contribute to the growth of the business in any way (OECD, 2005). Most approaches to describe innovation processes incorporate three generic steps: a phase where ideas are collected or generated (idea generation), another one to develop and specify those ideas (idea development) and finally the culminating step where creation of value takes place by the transformation of ideas into products (idea commercialization) (Polder Mohnen, 2010). Open innovation Innovation is an organisation specific, and continuously evolving strategy and there is no single form of innovation that works every time for any given organisation or idea. Open innovation is an approach of business innovation, in which, the organisation opens up to the inside out form of knowledge gaining by inviting ideas from the external sources and stakeholders of the organisation. Traditionally, innovation was implemented in the organisation in a closed form by having an in-house research and development team which used to carry out studies and analysis to produce innovative ideas and contribute to the growth of the business. Quite opposite to it, open approach of innovation allows the firms to operate together in collaboration with the individuals as well as organisations outside (Chesbrough Appleyard, 2007). Popularized by Chesbrough as a business idea, open innovation accelerates the internal innovation process of the organisation and also expands their market for a bette r inflow of information, knowledge and innovative ideas. Co-creation and crowd sourcing are some of the most common forms of open innovation that are practiced by the business organisations today. Open innovation is gaining a lot of popularity in the present business world with a number of organizations shifting their innovation strategies towards this approach. Open innovation expands the chances and possibilities for the organisation and increases their inflow of knowledge. It should be noted that open innovation is not an objective decision as there are a number of approaches that are closely related but still different from each other, that need to be considered when adopting the open innovation approach for an organisation. While there are success stories like those of Starbucks, Dell and Lego being the organisations who have leveraged open innovation approach and have benefited from it, this approach can only be effective when combined with a detailed in house study of the inn ovative ideas gathered by the sources as well (Gassman, et al., 2010). Research methodology and expected outcomes The research design adopted to carry out this study is descriptive research design. Most of the studies carried out that are related to market trends and social issues follow the descriptive and exploratory research process. In this research we have explored the topic of open innovation and the role of information technology in its promotion among the business organisations (Chesbrough Crowther, 2006). This research has looked for you new insights related to these topics and developed propositions for further research on the same. This research will help the reader in gaining a better understanding of the topic of open innovation as well as communicate how information technology helps in the enhancement of the same among the organisations (IBM Corporation, 2005). A descriptive research answers the basic Who? What? Where? When? and How? questions. It helps in building a picture of the problem being explored, and is used to examine the key issues or trends related to it (Hall, 2012). The data collected for this research has been majorly sourced from secondary data sources. These are the various published and unpublished articles, magazines, websites, researches and peer reviewed journals which contain data related to the topic being researched (Chesbrough, 2015). This is a qualitative research that gives out an ideographic description of the topic and the concepts related to it. These type of researches are rich in context and possess a high validity quotient. Qualitative research helps in raising more open ended questions that increase the scope of further research on the selected topic. It helps in the development of ideas for products, services and business processes like open innovation and helps the organisations in strategizing and developing policies that guide their processes and overall performance (Yun, et al., 2016). This research will help in the generation and development of ideas related to open innovation for the organisations and supply a greater depth and wider context to this topic. An ad hoc research addresses a given issue or topic at a certain point of time. For this research, and ad hoc study has been conducted by the finding out and analyzing the contribution of information technology in popularizing and enhancing the use of open innovation by the organisations (Deloitte, 2013). Findings and discussion Open innovation is found to be beneficial for the organisations as it helps in broadening the range of theoretical perspectives for the organisation for the development of their business processes and getting more ideas to change the way they strategize their working. This also makes the results of the research process more dynamic and fosters innovation by increasing the impact and the proliferation level of the resultant ideas. Although there are a number of organisations and the examples of their cases available, that have helped them in flourishing and making the management research process better equipped and more effective, there are still ongoing debates about the theoretical foundations of open innovation as the statistical evidences on this topic are lacking due to this being a new concept in business development. The three core open innovation processes that have been identified are 1) The outside-in process: Enriching an organizations own knowledge base through the integra tion of suppliers, customers, and external knowledge sourcing can increase a company's innovativeness. 2) The inside-out process: The external exploitation of ideas in different markets, selling intellectual property and multiplying technology by channelling ideas to the external environment. 3) The coupled process: Linking outside-in and inside-out by working in alliances with complementary companies during which give and take are crucial for success. The introduction of open innovation strategy in the business environment has posed a challenge in front of the traditional strategies followed by the organisation. In order to promote open innovation and make use of the ideas that are generated from this, it is necessary that the organisations validate the ideas for their ownership and the possibility of creation of value for the organisation. Another factor that is important and should be kept in mind by the organisations adopting the open innovation business strategy is to ensure th at the contribution and idea generation process for open innovation is transparent and fair. To promote an unbiased inflow of ideas, the businesses must also work towards claiming the ownership of the ideas being raised for excluding any other organisation from copying the idea, or working on it at the same time. Technology has not only fostered the process of adoption of open innovation by the business organisations, it has revolutionized the way organisations make use of this approach to analyse the strategies and develop their products and services. The information technology tools like websites, web portals and open source programs have further widened the reach of these strategies, and has allowed maximum participation of the external sources in contributing towards innovating the business practices of the organisation adopting this approach. The given figure lists the organisations operating in the field of information technology that rely on various degrees of open and closed innovation. Figure: Adoption of open and closed innovation strategy by the organizations (Chesbrough, 2015) In the above matrix the organisations are classified on the basis of the strategies for the creation of value for the organisation and the method they adopt for capturing the created values. Value creation is done by either in house team that conducts the research and development activities for the organisation, or by adopting the open innovation approach driving the community to contribute towards the generation of ideas for innovation by the business. The other dimension comprises of capturing the value that is created by both open and closed initiatives for the business development and its realization by the organisation or by the larger community to which the organisation belongs to. This variance can be seen in the working of these organisations. For example, Microsoft is an organisation having an in house value creation team which works towards building ideas for the development of the organisation and the value that is created from those ideas is also captured within the busin ess organisation only by keeping source codes of their operating system and other applications within the organisation (Chesbrough, 2013). Similarly, Google Inc. is one organisation that creates value with the help of advertisers and capture this value within the organisation only by keeping their proprietary search algorithms as the intellectual property of the organisation and also keeping the auction bidding system of Google for the advertisers only. While both Microsoft and Google have benefited by practicing these approaches, the organisations and individuals working within and close to their environment have also benefited from the same. To give an example for the same, a number of organisations place their ads on the Google search engine which helps in bolstering their performance and in turn benefits Google financially. Quite opposite to this principle, the community driven initiatives produce ideas for goods and services that help in value creation across a larger group of people and contribute to the public good. In the world of information technology, Linux is the biggest examples of open source operating system that allows coordination and invention in a collective manner by allowing the people to contribute to their growth and allowing them to use the services of the organisation as well. Information Technology enables the organisations to collaborate their capability and further strengthens the open innovative strategies of the organisations by linking their external partners, who are the contributors of the innovative ideas, to the medium that is used for information exchange (Vanhaverbeke Chesbrough, 2014). If an organisation wishes to optimally utilize the open innovative strategy, and attract the external partners for the contribution of information and innovative ideas, they require an implementation of information technology tools. These tools coordinate the business process, and make it faster and more effective. The organisations that ar e willing to innovate more openly are more likely to make use of information technology tools by synergizing the ideas with the methods for application for the same into the business processes. This helps in external collaboration of the information for open innovation of the organisation. Just like the information technology tools empower external collaboration, they also allow the internal members of the organisations to communicate and collaborate in a better way. Particularly, the integration and networking tools of information technology provide a mechanism to these members to integrate and collaborate with each other (Cassiman, 2013) These tools promote interaction among the members and keep them connected by allowing easier and faster way of communication within and outside the workplace. They also help in coordinating the business activities. The information technology tools create a seamless network for the people in the organisation to devise the tools and share the knowledge on real time basis (Hague, 2009). With the help of the IT enabled mechanism of the organisation, the people within and outside the organisation are able to collaborate and co-ordinate with each other to share and store the data collected by them andcan easily gain access to this data whenever and wherever required. The internal communication systems, organisation specific social networks, blogs and organisational websites are the most commonly used information technology tools that enable internal collaboration and information exchange in the organisations. Once the information from these internal and external sources has been acquired i t is important to make use of this knowledge and transform it to improve the organisational performance by forming innovative strategies and policies (Cosh, et al., 2014). In this stage as well, information technology plays an important role by providing the organisations with tools like integrated process management, systems for knowledge management, data storage and retrieval software etc. that support the entire knowledge processing system of the organisation (Gassmann Enkel, 2010). Additional programs like those for improving business intelligence, analyzing the organisational performance and the data, data mining software, software that help in creation of a simulation environment that lets the organisation test the ideas, support system for organisational decision making, the analytical processing of the organisational data, data compilation tools like digital dashboard, technologies that help in virtualization and visualization of the created ideas and programs and the exper t systems that help in reasoning of the cases being analysed and ideas being processed are all a product of information technology. Organisations that lean towards innovative information technology tools, can exploit the ideas generated from both external and internal sources better and accomplish their goals for open innovation. The information technology tools provide a structure for knowledge processing and testing by the organisations, in order to allow them to get maximum benefits from the ideas generated in the previous steps (Gassmann Enkel, 2010) Conclusion This research report comprises of a study of the role that information technology plays in enabling open innovation in the organisations. For this, a brief overview of the concepts of open innovation and the various practices related to it is included in this report, along with a study on the general role of information technology in the business operations. This research offers valuable contribution in the field of open innovation as well as information systems in business. For the study, the business innovation process has been analysed to identify the various steps involved in it, and how changing the approach of business Innovation process and its alignment towards open innovation can bring about changes in the business process and strategies. This report can provide the business practitioners, decision makers and managers with useful insights regarding open innovation and the collaboration of the ideas generated for the same, which is done with the help of application of informa tion technology tools in business. Being an academic research, there are certain limitations to this research that should also be addressed here. Any research carried out primarily for academic purposes is generally limited in the availability of time and resources available for the conduction of it. The same holds true for this research. Another limitation that this study suffers from, is that it uses secondary data sources for the gathering the data for the research. The credibility of the data collected relies heavily on the credibility of the sources from which it has been collected. Following a qualitative research design for the conduction of this study, an accurate figurative measurement could not be made for measuring the impact of information technology on the adoption of open innovative practices by the organisations. Therefore, there is a further scope of research in this topic by adopting a quantitative research model to study the monetary benefits that the organizations can or are enjoying by adopting this practice. Being an extremely dynamic area of research, information technology and its trends and developments keep on changing and progressing rapidly. Therefore, further studies should be continued on this topic so that the knowledge on these areas is enhanced to adopt more innovative practices in the workplaces and to help the managers with their decision making process. 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