Saturday, December 28, 2019
Descriptive Essay About My Grandmother - 1010 Words
My grandmother was a tough lady. At just over five feet tall, she was the kind of woman that you saw on the street and knew to move out of her way. Her demeanor was strict, her hands tied with thick blue veins, criss crossing over her thin, frail fingers. I remember holding her hands as a child, how delicate and soft they seemed and yet that never made them seem any less worn or sturdy. Her hands told stories of different times, of different worlds and hardships. She had grown up worlds away from me, in a different land, at a different time, in an era and a life that I would never know. My grandmother had stories. But, she never told stories. Her stories were in the way she ate  she savored her food, cherished it. Often she would be†¦show more content†¦She was seldom outwardly affectionate. She didn’t need to be. When I wrapped my arms around her small frame, afraid I would break her, she responded with a strength disproportionate to her size. She held tightly, like she was holding on for dear life, and then she let go, she smiled and she moved on. My grandmother was an intelligent woman. She had little schooling, but she had run businesses. She had managed on her own, with a husband and sons, in a country that didn’t care for her or her culture, but only for their aggrandized version of it. Her experiences were rightful cause to be jaded and hard, and yet she saw brightness and she saw brightness in me. She saw the great things in life, she loved hard and appreciated the little things  us going for a walk together or just sitting in the sun on a warm day. My grandmother’s stories were in her complaints. My grandmother complained about petty things: things that I would complain about. But she never complained about life and she never complained about pain. My grandmother had developed a brain tumor, which when removed, removed much of her immediate memory. For a long time, she didn’t remember my name. She had no idea who I was. But she tried and she learned. She understood perseverance and the importance of people and she carried on against all odds. The last time I spoke to her, she knew exactly who I was, despiteShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Essay About My Grandmother1286 Words  | 6 PagesMy grandmother passed away when I was in third grade. She was diagnosed with lung cancer and had been struggling with the sickness for a couple of years before her passing. I remember visiting her on the weekend so we could spend time with her. As her illness increased and the closer to death she got, my family and I would visit her more often. The day she passed away, I remember being called out of class and collecting my things. My sisters’ and I sat in the Principal’s office while my mother wasRead MoreDescriptive Essay About My Grandmother824 Words  | 4 PagesMy grandma has always been my best friend ever since I could speak.Saturday was the best day of the week. We walked into Steak and Shake, while the smell of grease filli ng our noses. We would chat about anything as we waited for our food, but we didn’t order milkshakes. After that, we went right across the street to Coldstone, and I got a cotton candy ice cream with gummy bears. The ice cream was sweet and creamy. We moved over to Starbucks where coffee and we talked with my aunt about anything youRead MoreDescriptive Essay About My Grandmother1334 Words  | 6 PagesMy father is of both Italian and French decent. My grandmother arrived on Ellis Island in 1909 with her nine siblings. My mother is also of Italian decent with her ancestors arriving on Ellis Island in 1899 from Naples Italy. I am the first born (1960) of a stereotypical, outspoken, boisterous Italian/French Catholic family. I have two sisters Jannine (1962) and Yvonne (1964). From the time I can remember, there was laughing, loud talking, hand waving, hugging and kissing with an abundance of unconditionalRead MoreDescriptive Essay About My Grandmother1795 Words  | 8 PagesLast night my grandmother, Kasper, or Kas for short, passed away. She was 79 years old. Which I guess is a pretty long time so I guess I can’t complain. But, It still sucks. My grandma’s death wasn’t unexpected. For the past few years she’s suffered from Alzheimer’s. She was always a little loopy, so at first no one really noticed something was wrong. Then slowly over time, things became more profound. She started walking into rooms and not remembering why she was there. Making the wrong dishRead MoreDescriptive Essay About My Great Grandmother803 Words  | 4 Pageswas very supportive in my life. They believed in me even when I didn t believe in myself. However, one person that I loved so much was my great grandmother, Bobbie Alger. She married Robert Alger (a military man) at a very young age and they were happily married until he died before I was born. My parents loved Robert and decided to name me after him. So, they named me Kyle Robert Phillippi. This has always meant so much to me. My great grandma is now 92 years old and is my biggest role model. BobbieRead MoreDescriptive Essay About My Great Grandmother1023 Word s  | 5 PagesFamily history is very important to me. It teaches me about my ancestors, family background, culture, heritage, and generations of traditions. By knowing where I came from, helps me have a better perspective of my life. Having a clear understanding on my family background allows me to know how deep my family’s roots are, and it brings me closer to self discovery. Family has always been important to me, especially my great grandmother. Great grandmothers are known for always being the backbones of familiesRead MoreNarrative and Descriptive Essay1226 Words  | 5 Pages Compare-Contrast Essay Eng121: English Composition I (AXC13480) Regina McKinney Professor: Nancy Segovia January 1, 2014 A narrative essay is about storytelling for a narrative story to work it must capture and hold the audience attention you must give a clear understanding of your story. A descriptive essay lets you describe in detail what the essay is all about using words that appeal to your sense of smell, hearing, see, touch, and taste. A descriptive essay lets you use words thatRead MoreEssay about Comparison Contrast1033 Words  | 5 PagesEssay 2 Scott Momaday’s â€Å"The Way to Rainy Mountain†and Bobbie Ann Mason’s â€Å"Being Country†are two the texts to be compared. Though they share similarities, they too are quite different. They both share similar topics, in that they are two stories of cultures, but written from different perspectives of their cultures. Momaday is from the Kiowas tribe of the plains of Oklahoma, and Mason from a farm in Mayfield, Kentucky. Both exhibit some comparisons, but mostly contrasts throughoutRead MoreNarrative Essay1497 Words  | 6 PagesThe Narrative Essay *What is a Narrative Essay? †¢ Narrative writing tells a story. In essays, the narrative writing could also be considered reflection or an exploration of the authors values told as a story. The author may remember his or her past, or a memorable person or event from that past, or even observe the present. †¢ The author may write about: -An experience or event from his or her past. -A recent or ongoing experience or event. Read MoreAnalysis Of O Connor s A Good Man 869 Words  | 4 Pages My first reaction to â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to find†was that of sadness and I felt that it was tragic of what happened to the family in the story. I felt really bad for the grandma because no one seemed to be pleased with her or listen to her. I felt like the son was almost tired of dealing with his own mom, or that is the feeling I got from his reactions to her. Even the children did not seem to respect the old lady. O’Connor’s story was very descriptive. Throughout the whole story there were
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Discuss the different kinds of humour in the play. Is it...
Discuss the different kinds of humour in the play. Is it effective today? What is its purpose? Much ado about nothing is a comedy written by William Shakespeare. There are many kinds of humour in the play. The first kind of humour we come across is the skirmishes of wit between Beatrice and Benedick. Beatrice and Benedick are both sarcastic people and incidentally are sarcastic about each other. Sarcasm is a very good kind of humour, which is still effective to this day. Many people understand sarcasm and its a good way of putting a point across. The main purpose of sarcasm is probably mockery. Sarcasm is usually used when you say something that you dont mean literally, the point of this particular sarcasm is to tell the†¦show more content†¦In this quote Dogberry is talking about the watch talking and not paying attention to their duty and so here he means to say intolerable. Again he says you, constable, are to present the princes own person this is funny again as he misses out a key part of the word in which he is meaning to say represent. This humour with Dogberry continues constantly through the play. It is still effective today because we have an understanding of what he means to say and so it comes across as funny where as in Shakespeares time it may not as been as funny as many people would have been poorly educated and so wouldnt perhaps understand. The main purpose of this is just basically adding a bit of extra humour to the play. The final kind of humour in the play is probably deceit. This is where towards the end of the play Beatrice and Benedick are fooled by their friends into believing that they both love each other. Margaret and Hero leave notes for Beatrice pretending them to be from Benedick telling Beatrice how much he loves her. Whereas Don Pedro and Claudio do the same for Benedick. They also leave notes for them both to meet up at the same time. Both Beatrice and Benedick start to believe it and change their views on each other. This is funny to the audience as they get to see how both Beatrice and Benedick ponder about these love letters they haveShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Television On The Consumer Behavior And Reception Of A Consumer1602 Words  | 7 Pagesof the reasons being that, we have been surrounded by advertising throughout all of our lives, and it is no longer a novelty (Heath, 2012, p7). This essay will discuss how the above the line medium of television can potentially effect the behaviour and reception of a consumer with reference to advertisement examples. I will look at different elements that cause the adverts to effect the consumer including; memory, repetition, emotion and mo tivation. My choice in focusing on television advertisementsRead MoreWhat Are the Difficulties of Translating Humour from English Into Spanish Using the Subtitled British Comedy Sketch Show Little Britain as a Case Study?12271 Words  | 50 PagesTRANSLATING HUMOUR FROM ENGLISH INTO SPANISH USING THE SUBTITLED BRITISH COMEDY SKETCH SHOW LITTLE BRITAIN AS A CASE STUDY? Charles Harrison BA (Honours) Applied Languages University of Portsmouth School of Languages and Area Studies Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences March 2012 Table of Contents Abstract†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...1 Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦2 Chapter 1: Humour and Subtitling†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...4 1.1 What is Humour?..........Read MoreContemporary Management Issues9330 Words  | 38 Pagesresearch investigating these expressions of resistance, however, we have identified an interesting tension, or paradox, regarding their effectiveness as forms of opposition. 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Reassurance and approval are important as children are beginning to develop an awareness of themselves, and it is important that their self-concept is a positive one. Play workers give reassurance and approval by smiling, praising or simply being alongside children as they try out something new. Children are quick to sense adults who are willing to spend the time listening properly to them. In this phase of childhoodRead MoreDoes Advertising Create Artificial Wants?2619 Words  | 11 PagesESSAY QUESTION Does advertising create artificial wants? Your answer should discuss John Kenneth Galbraith’s ‘dependence effect’ and F.A.Hayek’s response. Nowadays, the media’s power is indisputable and it is not accidental that it is called the fourth estate. That power represents the possibility to exert influence on people’s behavior. Nowadays one very hot and disputed issue is the advertisement effect on the consumers’ buying behavior. Well prepared campaign can influence consumer decisions
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Prayer By Thomas Keating, Contemplative Prayer - 1515 Words
Introduction According to Thomas Keating, â€Å"Contemplative prayer is a conversation initiated by God and leading, if we consent to a divine union. It is the way to pure faith.†Unlike with vocal prayers, in which we call out to God asking for things we need, with contemplative prayer our role is to allow God to be God. In other words, God directs Contemplative prayer, His grace opens our hearts and minds to the His presence inside us. Consequently, contemplative prayer begins with a centering prayer, which is a silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer. Keating noted that, â€Å"Centering prayer is an effort to renew the teaching of the Christian tradition of contemplative prayer.†Similar to other methods of prayer, the foundation of centering prayer is the Triune God. Keating noted that, â€Å"The practice is based on the wisdom saying of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.†The scripture reads, â€Å"But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you†(Matt. 6:6). Practicing contemplative prayer will strengthen our spiritual commitment and enrich our personal lives. I will discuss the origin, methods and benefits of contemplative prayer. Origin of Contemplative Prayer For centuries, the definition for contemplation evolved. According to Keating, â€Å"Gnosis was used by St. Paul in the Epistles to represent the knowledge of God proper to those who
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Comparison of Upanishads and Buddhism - 598 Words
The Upanishads and Buddhism believe in a â€Å"truer wisdom.†These are both pantheistic and monistic religions. Pantheistic doctrines consider all things to be divine, meanwhile monistic doctrines consider there to be one divine reality that all finite things are simply modes or appearances of (Livingston, â€Å"Deity: Concepts of The Divine And Ultimate Reality†, Page 163). The Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita and most western religions, have a different view on divine reality and salvation. These religions are mainly either polytheistic or monotheistic. Polytheistic doctrines consider there to be many gods and deities worthy of worship, but because it is a kind of theism, not all gods and deities are worshipped to an equal amount. Monotheistic doctrines consider there to be one transcendent, personal God. The Upanishads believe in Brahman, but Brahman is not actually an individual or a thing, it just exists. Brahman is one’s absolute self. Atman is a part of Brahman, but Atman is one’s non-material self, their soul. Brahman and Atman are not distinct, but are identical and are timeless and eternal (Livingston, â€Å"Deity: Concepts of The Divine And Ultimate Reality†, Page 169). In order to thrive in this religion’s divine reality, one must reach Brahman and enter into a state of perfect emptiness and inexpressible bliss (Livingston, â€Å"Soteriology: Ways And Goals Of Salvation†, Page 312). Buddhism affirms the practice of meditation and reaching liberation from your unreal self, also known asShow MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Hinduism And Buddhism863 Words  | 4 PagesPHIL 2120 Paper #1 Xinyang Wang Comparison of Permanence between Hinduism and Buddhism Hinduism and Buddhism have common origins in the Ganges culture of northern India around 500 BCE. We have to admit that they share a lot of similarities, but also involve tons of differences. For example, as Hinduism claims that Atman is Brahman, Buddhism reject the existence of Atman. Hindus think that the way to becoming enlightened is to union with God, but Buddhists pursue a throughout understanding of theRead More Hinduism Essay841 Words  | 4 Pages-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- November 19, 1997 By Jordan Bruins Buddhism/Hinduism Comparison Report Hinduism is the oldest known religion and is very rich with literally hundreds of gods, symbolistic rituals and beliefs. It is believed to have been established around 1500 B.C. but no one person founded Hinduism as it evolved over a long period of time. Buddhism on the other hand has a definite founder, Siddhartha Gautama who is otherwise known as the Buddha orRead MoreIslam, Hinduism, Buddhism And Christianity Comparison1025 Words  | 5 PagesPractices of Hinduism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity Comparison Hinduism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity developed centuries ago and have been practiced since then to today. Groups of people who practice these religions are bound to the conventional norms, beliefs, cultures and way of life of each. Each religion has a particular faith in a supreme being (Woodhead, Partridge Kawanami, 2016). Muslims believe in Allah, Christians believe in Jesus Christ, Hindus believe inRead More The Historical Context of The Bhagavad Gita and Its Relation to Indian Religious Doctrines2505 Words  | 11 Pagesdefinitely the most widely-read, ethical text of ancient India. As an episode in Indias great epic, the Mahabharata, The Bhagavad Gita now ranks as one of the three principal texts that define and capture the essence of Hinduism; the other two being the Upanishads and the Brahma Sutras. Though this work contains much theology, its kernel is ethical and its teaching is set in the context of an ethical problem. The teaching of The Bhagavad Gita i s summed up in the maxim your business is with the deed and notRead MoreHinduism And Buddhism : Diversity And World Cultures1021 Words  | 5 Pages8/12/2015 Introduction I have chosen Hinduism and Buddhism as the two religions for this assignment. With religion being such an intricate part of many cultures, I found these religions most interesting due to their similarity. Both of these religions originated in the subcontinent of India, these religions have had an awkward relationship that can be compared to Christianity and Judaism. The belief is that Buddhism is an off shoot of the Hindu religion. My goal is to address the questionsRead MoreWorld Religion : Judaism, Hinduism, And Islam Essay1391 Words  | 6 Pagesfirst glance and hearing about, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam these five religions-look and sound a lot alike. Each one was founded and developed by mankind, follow a list of religious principles and directives to live by, and they all share the same consciousness of wrong doings being reconciled. Because anyone can strike up a new religion at any time, however, religion cannot be judged on how it looks or sounds . As a comparison we will see just how different these religionsRead MoreBuddhism and Islam: A Comparison3045 Words  | 12 Pagesï » ¿Buddhism and Islam: A Comparison Abstract In this essay, I have made a comparison between the two most renowned worlds religions i.e. Buddhism and Islam. In the beginning of the essay, I have given a detailed account of Buddhism and Islam to give a basic knowledge regarding the two faiths. In the next part, I have given a comprehensive comparison of the two religions highlighting their similarities and differences. Introduction Two of the most famous and major religions followed by people inRead MoreThe Concept of Yagna and Vedic Cultural Values1545 Words  | 6 Pageshim (Vesci 109). It is actually intriguing to consider that Vedic tradition promoted domestic animals as being different from wild animals when taking into account the idea of sacrifice. The former are apparently more important as a sacrifice in comparison to the latter because they actually belong to individuals and are a direct statement that the respective people actually want to perform Yajna. Yajna is meant to induce intense feelings in people, especially considering that the fact that theyRead MoreHinduism : A Model For Religious Toleration Essay2153 Words  | 9 Pages regularly illustrating its inclusive nature and holistic perspective of the world throughout history. Buddhism, for instance, is a reformed, sub-religion of Hinduism that was created by those unsatisfied with the direction of the Hindu faith at the time. Determined to stay relevant during this realignment, the Hindu religion then incorporated many of the basic ideals and practices of Buddhism into its own, once again securing its status as the majority religion within India. This paper will firstRead MoreEssay on Hinduism1657 Words  | 7 Pagesreligion combines rich ethnical and standard beliefs. We will take a closer look and try to understand the Hindu religion and culture. The Hindu religion is the oldest religion of the five major religions, which are Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism (Major World Religions, 2006). The Hindu religion began to develop about 4.000 years ago in India, but it there was no single founder or system of belief (Major World Religions, 2006). There are many diverse and various Gods in the
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives
Question: Discuss about the Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives. Answer: Introduction: Continuing business within the society is a major concern for several scholars as well as business practitioners. It is the corporate sectors where the use of corporate sustainability is increasing day by day, even organisations that deal with environmental issues and the business consultancies are organisations which make use of corporate sustainability. Using corporate sustainability, organisation mainly makes proper justification over different sustainable strategies that are necessary for running a successful business (Bhattacharya et al 2009). With the help of corporate social responsibility, business organisations are trying to do good for the people of the society. Still for business organisations profit making is their main aim. Even business companies intend to carry out business reflecting their values over socially responsible practices. But, for the last few years, business organisations have experienced a huge rate of turnover on the corporate control so that companies a re able to impose vast change in the different corporate strategy that the companies followed. It is necessary for both business companies and organisations that they indulge into different socially responsible activities and carry out different important activities in the business market to determine different external factors that throw effect on the performance of business organisations (Carroll,et al 2010). An Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Sustainability Corporate social responsibility is a kind of business practice that involves types of business initiatives which after use by the business organisations would be beneficial for the society. In order to carry out sustainable business practices, companies get indulge into corporate social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility has now become very important to follow so that companies are able to make a move forward in their business developing a shared value for their business (Carroll,1999). In practical terms corporate social responsibility highlights different types of policies, practices and initiatives making use of which a company like Cadbury Plc is able to regulate different types of business activities with enough amount of transparency and honesty so that the companies business activity throw positive impact and increases its social and mental well being. Corporate sustainability is a very essential business approach that helped Cadbury Plc to make in long term customers and increase the employees value to create sustainable business strategy. Corporate sustainability is essential for business success and it insists company professionals to develop different types of professional skills so that they are able to increase social goodness of their business (Du et al 2010). Limitation of the study Limitation set for the research is the different literary materials made available for understanding the concept of the research. The research is limited to different other secondary sources which are relevant to the topic. It is limited to a particular time scale and budget may be within which would not be possible to complete the research on Corporate Social Responsibility. Aim of research The aim of this research is to look in how Corporate Social Responsibility is able to business companies operate within a social, cultural and economical environment. Also this research aims to highlights the importance of companies to carry out business functions following green business strategy (Jenkins 2009). Body Getting involved into different social responsible practices is necessary for Cadbury Plc so that they are able to make successful contribution for the development of the society in which they are running business. Giving vale to different social responsible practices a roadway open for the company to establish a positive word of mouth communication in order to take up the business o a high level but make sure that the company attempts long term growth and success (Lindgreen et al 2010). With help of corporate social responsibility, companies like Cadbury Plc is able to make their brand popular in the business market among not only in- front of all its business competitors, but also in front of the media, direct customers and other organisations which are operating within the same community. Getting indulge into socially responsible practices, company staffs are able to strengthen their professional bond with other senior officials of the company. Getting indulge into socially responsible practices employees of the company are able to develop a sense of loyalty and develop closeness for their organisation. This simply increases the commitment of the employees and gradually the production of the organisation increases. Also with the help of positive word of mouth communication companies are able to expand the sales platform of the organisation. Further, by getting indulge into socially responsible practices Cadbury Plc is able to handle work pressure which enhance the reputation of the company in the business market. Further, it is very essential to state that by carrying out socially responsible practices Cadbury Plc is able to develop eminent business sense and develop a symbiotic relationship with the entire environmental component (McGuire et 1988). According to the Commission report, Cadbury PLC by indulging into socially responsible practices is able to expand the share values of their shareholders which is important for mitigating negative impact of the company on society. An attempt has been made by the European Parliament for the purpose of analysing the concept of corporate social responsibility. From the current legal framework of corporate social responsibility the likelihood of shareholders is easily determined. From different research evidence, information has been gathered that by indulging in socially responsible practices companies are able to develop a link between capitalism in order to increase the business profit of the company as well as improve the corporate behaviour of the company (Sturdivant 1977). Socially responsible practices is helping Cadbury Plc to develop a strong relationship with their customers and avoid making fake promises or commitments so that customers do trust on the company and intend to buy products insisting others to do the same. Often companies and organisations forget about the existing customers of their company, but the value of indulging in socially responsible practices by companies is to carry out after sal es service for ensuring long term growth in order to bring in increased amount of profit to the company. Conclusion This report overall highlights the value of indulging into socially responsible practices so that a strong reputation of the company is maintained. With the help of corporate social responsibility companies develop sustainable business strategy making use of which the company operates culturally and economically well in the competitive business market (Bhattacharya et al 2009). Reference Bhattacharya, C. B., Korschun, D., Sen, S. (2009). Strengthening stakeholdercompany relationships through mutually beneficial corporate social responsibility initiatives.Journal of Business Ethics, 85(2), 257-272. Carroll, A. B., Shabana, K. M. (2010). The business case for corporate social responsibility: A review of concepts, research and practice. International journal of management reviews, 12(1), 85-105. Carroll, A.B. (1999) Corporate social responsibility: Evolution Corporate social responsibility and firm financial debate: Twenty five years of incomparable research. Du, S., Bhattacharya, C. B., Sen, S. (2010). Maximizing business returns to corporate social responsibility (CSR): The role of CSR communication. International Journal of Management Reviews, 12(1), 8-19. Jenkins, H. (2009). A business opportunitymodel of corporate social responsibility for small?and medium?sized enterprises.Business ethics: A European review, 18(1), 21-36. Kingdom and the United States, Journal of Business Ethics, 56: 1526. Lindgreen, A., Swaen, V. (2010).Corporate social responsibility.International Journal of Management Reviews, 12(1), 1-7. McGuire, J.B., Sundgren, A. and Schneeweis, T. (1988) Corporate social responsibility and firm financial performance. Academy of Management Journal 31(4), 854872. Sturdivant, F.D. and Ginter, J.L. (1977) Corporate social responsiveness management attitudes and economic performance. California Management Review 19(3), 3039.
Monday, December 9, 2019
Eminem in society free essay sample
Mine was a very Influential rapper In the sasss to many young adults and teenagers. This mainly came about because of the harsh childhood he had and they nasty family background he had. Many people criticized Mine for his work but even through doubt he chose to keep following his dream and rapping to the kids who had Just as much as he had growing up. Many of his songs will use humor or comedy to hide the thoughts of depression he had as a kid.As he fought through the early stages of his career, many critics said he was to violent in his wording, when ally, when those words are looked at more in depth, you will find a story of a young boy Just trying to fit In and living a below average lifestyle. Here are few examples of what the famous rapper we know today had to experience as a child/ teen. We will write a custom essay sample on Eminem in society or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In his music Mine wrote about his unstable family background in an unusually harsh way, which gave him a unique type of publicity.In a society where mainly African- American rappers were predominant, Mine was considered one of the first successful Caucasian rappers of the age, because he could relate to the lower parts of society. A new type of music was up and coming in the sasss which was rap. Graffiti, break-dancing, and harsh rhymes summarized the music of this time. Many people dont understand the way rappers used their words and mean lines that were often offensive. But people found this as a way to express themselves (Section 4 Hip-Hop).People with the experience of middle to low class, such as Mine, were able to relate with the other people of the lower classes who were going through struggles. Rappers used their songs to Justify the inequalities of society, as in upper and lower lass. A major political Issue was the Klux Klux Klan (ASK)_ They were terrorizing blacks, and since Mine was acquaintances with some African-American rappers this took an emotional toll on Mine. Mine was born on October 17th, 1972. He is an American rapper of Scottish-American descent that lives in there suburbs of Detroit.As a child Mine never really had a stable home or family. He moved from place to place after his dad abandoned him, because that was all his mom could afford. As he moved from home to home he was a major victim of bullying. He was once major Injured in a bullying incident and later wrote about that incident (Mine Lab). During his childhood he really TLD have much. Part of the reason he moved house to house was because his mother couldnt afford to maintain a steady household. His father abandoned him and his family at a young age; he has not tried to contact his dad since. His mom took prescription drugs legally but mine claimed that his mom over-dosed on these drugs. Mine had troubles in school as a kid and therefore dropped out, but not until he met a rapper named proof and a girl named Kim who loud go on to be his future wife. Things were slow for Mine in the beginning, and he was heavily criticized for the things he was rapping. People said he sounded too much Like other rappers as well (Mine Lab).Mine doesnt rap Like normal rappers, he raps about personal struggles and problems he faced In his childhood and with his life as an aspiring artist. Growing up in the suburbs of Detroit, he 1 OFF until and older age. He had to face these challenges and move on, because if he didnt, he would Just get bullied for being a weak person in a tough crowd. On another note, normal rappers are all about the flashy, all gold everything approaches. Mine writes about things he witnessed and went through as a child.Drug use was his main focus in most of his songs but also he would mention his mother, growing up, and poking fun at America or celebrities (Mine Lab). In this Mine is saying that kids hear about what a famous figure or someone they take as their idol does and they want to imitate what they are doing. This is how kids grew up in lower-class suburban Detroit. In Sing for the Moment Mine says how kids idealize people and owe the words of songs come out to be a reflection of yourself. He says Thats why En sing for these kids, who dont have a thing, except for a dream, kids who post pin- up pictures on their walls all day long idealize they favorite rappers and know all they songs Also Mine says Just let our spirits live on, through our lyrics that you hear n our songs. By this he means let us be a reflection of what our lyrics are saying What Mine had a very testing life that had some ups, but they are overshadowed by the majority of downs he has faced in his career/ life. Many adversities have challenged him to be the rapper he is known to be today.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Management Control System Fairness Reduce †
Question: Discuss about the Management Control System Fairness Reduce. Answer: Introduction: In the report, a situation of an organization has been described. A conversation between the program director and project manager has been shown in the video. As per the CEOs order, the program director is compelled to launch the product early through the development process but the project manager does not acknowledge the suggestion of the e program director. The project manager tries to reason with the program director that launching the project early without proper security measures can have irreversible implications. Hackers could undermine the entire project by launching a full scale attack compromising customer personal information. But the project director persists that if the project is finished earlier, the project manager can enjoy more bonus for himself and for the team. Moreover, he says that the encryption procedure can be applied through an update three weeks after. The project manager refuses to give in to the offer and does not accept the offer. The project director t hen calls up the CEO to state that the project manager is refusing to cooperate with their offer. The CEO and the project director then comes to a joint decision that the project manager should be removed and a new one should be brought in who is more compliable and easy to manage. The final consequences of the entire scenario is that the project manager was changed by the CEO which delayed the project completion life cycle. Several ethical problems in the project development has been highlighted in the YouTube video. A project should be completed without intervention if an organization initiates a project. Proper time, procedure and quality should be maintained for the project. The organization must satisfy the client with the cost, implementation and estimated time for the project (Shah, Harrold Sinha, 2014). The security problems in the completion of the project must be explained by the project director to the client. The project manager should explain to the project director that the team will be unable to complete the project in the given time (Langevin Mendoza, 2013). As the CEO has promised the client that the project will be completed before a month, the ethical problem arises from this issue. The project team should have been conducted by the CEO if the project could have been completed earlier. The project director has to understand the current condition of the project. Due to the early launch of the product the ethical problem rises. The CEO must have thought that the early submission of the project would have been beneficial for the company as it would have generated more revenues. The project manager should have told the team to handle the project a little bit faster with overtime. To perform the project with reliable quality and perfect manner, the team members should have been provided ample time and ease of mind to complete the project. The only people who are responsible for the project dilemma is the program director and CEO. The CEO should have not accepted the clients proposal and should not have accepted any excuses from them. The client was permissible to say their ideas to the without perfecting the product properly. It is the duty of the organization to check whether the members are working ethically. In the given video, the entity which performed unethically was the organisation itself (MARRCH, August 2015). The organization should have known if they can handle delivering a perfect product early. The clients, team members of the project and the project manager are the all affected by the problems. Due to the pressure from the CEO and the program director, first, the project manager will be affected. As the project manager has to allocate each and every task to his team members and adjust their processes, he will have face the most difficulty in this particular situation. The team members will be the next entity to get affected by the situation as they have to design the project allocated the project manager. The employees health is a major concern due to overwork which is the duty of the organization to look after (Payne, Jones Harris, 2013). The client can also get affected as the project manager strictly said that he wont comply with the CEOs claims (Yeslam Al-Saggaf, October 2016). The best action of the YouTube video is that the project manager ignores the words of the director and continue his work on the project. As the CEO and the program director warns to change the project manager and assign a new one, the process will be time consuming as he had to learn the technicalities of the project from the start. The CEO should talk to the client and pursue them that the project cannot be delivered according to their schedule. This will be beneficial for the company as in case a cyber-attack occurs on the product, the name of the organization will suffer along with the client. The other action that can follow is the total resignation of the entire team so that the CEO gets his product delayed inevitably. The team can not comply with the unethical behaviour of the organization. A meeting can be done by the CEO with the team members to analyse the issue properly (Miao et al. 2013). The best action of the project must be taken by the CEO himself. Talking with the client in an understanding way and telling them about the possible risks associated can be done by only the CEO himself. As per the consequences shown in the video, the best option was to remove the project manager from the team and appoint a new one who will not have as much knowledge about the project as he has so the organization will suffer. The stakeholder affected in this situation is the project manager but the real stakeholder affected is the organization whose product delivery date will be delayed. The quality, time and cost of the project implicates the best option. Utilizing the best option will result in the project manager doing the project perfectly without hampering the project quality (Frederickson Ghere, 2013). If he delivers the project early, the quality of the project will not be as per the standards and can have serious implication due to lack of proper security measures. Due to less time, the project cost will rise (Jackson, Kumbhakern Leech, 2013). The project manager chose the best option as the estimated cost, time and quality will never vary. Conclusion To conclude the report, it can be stated that the organization should prevent these types of issues during the time of signing contract in the agreement paper with the client. During the initiation of the project, the client should state if they need the product early. The CEO as well as the program director should firmly comply with the deadline date of per the agreement. If the project is wanted earlier by the client, the quality of the project will suffer and not meet the required standards. References Frederickson, H. G., Ghere, R. K. (2013).Ethics in public management. ME Sharpe. Jackson, T. A., Kumbhakern, V., Leech, M. L. (2013).U.S. Patent Application No. 13/402,589. Langevin, P., Mendoza, C. (2013). How can management control system fairness reduce managers unethical behaviours?.European Management Journal,31(3), 209-222. MARRCH. (August 2015). ORGANIZATIONAL ETHICS AND PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. . Miao, Q., Newman, A., Yu, J., Xu, L. (2013). The relationship between ethical leadership and unethical pro-organizational behavior: Linear or curvilinear effects?.Journal of Business Ethics,116(3), 641-653. Payne, N., Jones, F., Harris, P. R. (2013). Employees perceptions of the impact of work on health behaviours.Journal of health psychology,18(7), 887-899. Shah, H., Harrold, M. J., Sinha, S. (2014). Global software testing under deadline pressure: Vendor-side experiences.Information and Software Technology,56(1), 6-19. Yeslam Al-Saggaf. (October 2016). Scenario 3: Early Launch. .
Monday, December 2, 2019
Mother Of Invention Essays - Thomas Edison, Deists, General Electric
Mother Of Invention Necessity is the mother of invention? or is it? The real mother of invention is not necessity, but curiosity. From the discovery of electricity, the invention of the light bulb, car, airplane, and air conditioning to Global Positioning Satellite systems curiosity has been the reason behind the invention. One of the greatest discoveries ever was the discovery of electricity. Ben Franklin has been given the most credit for the discovery of electricity. Before the legendary kite experiment in 1752 electricity was a known force of nature, but it had not been thoroughly studied. Even after that Franklin did not know what potential his discovery of electricity had. It is said that he once tried to kill a Christmas turkey with electricity, but accidentally made contact with the current and received a nice shock. As time progressed Franklin created more and more electrical devices including the battery and the lightening rod ( These inventions were discovered through theories and hypothesis that Franklin thought might be true and he tried them and they worked. All of these things are nice, and today people probably would have difficulty living without them, but at the time in the mid-1700's people had no need for electricity. There is another wonderful invention called the incandescent light bulb. Thomas Edison was a professional inventor. He wanted to see if he could create a better way to light a home that with candles or lamps. And so Edison invented the incandescent light bulb. Edison tried to come out with an invention every ten days. This invention came about in October 1879 (Thomas Edison birthplace Museum). Although people wanted another way to light their homes they did a fine job by using torches and lamps. They had a want for something better, but not a need for a light bulb. The invention of the air conditioning unit is a very popular one here in Phoenix. This again was not a necessity; in fact even today it is not a necessity it is actually a luxury. In 1902, after earning a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University Willis Carrier invented the first air conditioner. He wanted to see if there was a more efficient way of cooling air and making the air cleaner than what the current ventilation systems could do. This was a great invention because before the air conditioner people had good ventilation systems to cool off buildings and this worked somewhat. The air that came in would smell like the vents and the air wasn't really cooled. But with the air conditioning not only could you control the air temperature, but you could also control the humidity. This was good for scientific experiments (MIT's Invention Demention website). Even though the air conditioning was a great invention, it is not a necessity. People can and do live with out air conditioning units in both cars and homes, they may sweat a lot but they do live. Another great invention was that of the car. At the time that the car was invented people got around by horse and carriage, or by foot. This was the socially accepted means of travel and people did not need anything more than a way to get from point a to point b. In 1896 Henry Ford built his first automobile. Ford wanted to see if he could make a faster means of travel. In 1903 Ford established the Ford Motor Company. He revolutionized the world with his assembly lines, and the low cost of his cars. His first car the Model T is very well known and for around $200 was affordable. Ford paid their workers an unheard of $5 a day which meant that a worker could afford to buy the cars that they made (National Inventors Hall of Fame website). Although I like my car a lot and I know that many people couldn't function without their cars, but when Ford invented the car if you wanted to get somewhere you either walked or you rode a horse making the car not a necessity. The invention of the airplane was a revolutionary one. The Wright brothers invented the airplane in 1903. The Wright's wanted to see if it was possible for man to
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