Saturday, December 28, 2019
Descriptive Essay About My Grandmother - 1010 Words
My grandmother was a tough lady. At just over five feet tall, she was the kind of woman that you saw on the street and knew to move out of her way. Her demeanor was strict, her hands tied with thick blue veins, criss crossing over her thin, frail fingers. I remember holding her hands as a child, how delicate and soft they seemed and yet that never made them seem any less worn or sturdy. Her hands told stories of different times, of different worlds and hardships. She had grown up worlds away from me, in a different land, at a different time, in an era and a life that I would never know. My grandmother had stories. But, she never told stories. Her stories were in the way she ate  she savored her food, cherished it. Often she would be†¦show more content†¦She was seldom outwardly affectionate. She didn’t need to be. When I wrapped my arms around her small frame, afraid I would break her, she responded with a strength disproportionate to her size. She held tightly, like she was holding on for dear life, and then she let go, she smiled and she moved on. My grandmother was an intelligent woman. She had little schooling, but she had run businesses. She had managed on her own, with a husband and sons, in a country that didn’t care for her or her culture, but only for their aggrandized version of it. Her experiences were rightful cause to be jaded and hard, and yet she saw brightness and she saw brightness in me. She saw the great things in life, she loved hard and appreciated the little things  us going for a walk together or just sitting in the sun on a warm day. My grandmother’s stories were in her complaints. My grandmother complained about petty things: things that I would complain about. But she never complained about life and she never complained about pain. My grandmother had developed a brain tumor, which when removed, removed much of her immediate memory. For a long time, she didn’t remember my name. She had no idea who I was. But she tried and she learned. She understood perseverance and the importance of people and she carried on against all odds. The last time I spoke to her, she knew exactly who I was, despiteShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Essay About My Grandmother1286 Words  | 6 PagesMy grandmother passed away when I was in third grade. She was diagnosed with lung cancer and had been struggling with the sickness for a couple of years before her passing. I remember visiting her on the weekend so we could spend time with her. As her illness increased and the closer to death she got, my family and I would visit her more often. The day she passed away, I remember being called out of class and collecting my things. My sisters’ and I sat in the Principal’s office while my mother wasRead MoreDescriptive Essay About My Grandmother824 Words  | 4 PagesMy grandma has always been my best friend ever since I could speak.Saturday was the best day of the week. 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